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Description: An oval-shaped machine, 4 meters tall, studded with dozens of knobby protrusions and gun turrets. It floats on four antigravity pods.

Str 22 Int 8
Dex 16 Wil 13
Con 20 Per 8

Durability: 20/20/10 Action Check:
Move: Glide 25, Fly 50 (antigrav units) # Actions: 4
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2

+5 resistance modifier vs. melee attacks.
+3 resistance modifier vs. ranged attacks.

Force Field: Provides an additional +3 resistance modifier vs. melee and ranged attacks. The
Devastator suffers the same penalty while the force field is active. The power drain also
applies an identical penalty to the Devastator's Action Check.

Duralloy Armor: 3d4 (LI)/2d4 (HI)/1d6+1 (E). Good Durability.

Normal human sight and hearing.
Infrared sensors as IR Goggles.
UV sensors as Imaging goggles, also able to visually detect radiation.
25x Telescopic magnification on sight.
Radar array as a Radar Gauntlet, 50 km/1000 km range.
Radio communications as Comm Gear.

Can make up to 2 weapon attacks in a single phase.
Blaster Cannons (2) Skill:Hvy-direct Acc: 0 Md: F Range: 750/1500/3000 Type: E/A
Damage: 3d6+3w/3d8+6w/3d6+3m Actions: 1

Mk VII Blaster Batteries (4) Skill: Hvy-direct Acc: 0 Md: A Range: 130/260/400 Type: E/G
Damage: 1d6+1w/1d8+2w/1d6+1m Actions: 2

Mk XII Masterblaster Batteries (2) Skill: Hvy-direct Acc: 0 Md: A Range: 165/330/500 Type: E/G
Damage: 1d8+3w/1d12+4w/1d8+3m Actions: 1

Laser Batteries (5) Skill: Hvy-direct Acc: -1 Md: A Range: 750/15000/3000 Type: E/O
Damage: 1d12+1w/2d8+3w/1d12+1m Actions: 3

Fusion Bomb Launcher Skill: Hvy-indirect Acc: 0 Md: F Range: 1000/2000/3000 Type: E/A
Damage: Complete destruction within a 600 m radius. 2d6+1w/2d8+3w/2d6+1m within a 6
km radius. H5 firestorm within a 6 km radius for 1d6 rounds, H4 for an additional 2d6 rounds, and H3 until
the GM decides that the fires are out. Actions: 1 Clip: 12

Fission Bombs Launched from Launcher above. As Fusion Bomb with the following modifiers:
4d12+7w/6d12+6w/4d12+7m damage. R4 Radiation within 6 km, -1 level/100m
additional. -1 level/100 years. Clip: 12

Note: Equipped with either Fission or Fusion Bombs. Does not carry both.

Skills: Heavy Weapons [22]-indirect [26], direct [26]; Acrobatics [16]-flight [17]; Stamina [20]-endurance [21], resist pain [21]; Computer Science [8]-hardware [10], programming [10]; Tactics [8]-cavalry [12]; Technical Science [8]- artifact knowledge [10], repair [10]; Awareness [14]-perception [15]; Interact [8]-intimidate[12].

Mission: Accomplish assigned military objectives, including destruction of enemy forces, destruction of enemy materials, defense of allied men and materials, and defense of allied bases.

Reactions: If dormant, it can be activated with a Common military I. D. and ordered to move from place to place and perform menial duties. It can be given a military objective with a military Supervisor I. D. Valid Maintenance I. D. cards can be used normally. Programmer cards can be used, but not to order it to attack its own base, although Security Override I. D.'s can be used for this purpose.

System Damage: Like a vehicle or starship, a Devastator loses access to onboard systems as it takes damage. Whenever any damage penetrates the Machine's armor, roll on the following table once for every 2 Stun, 2
Wound, or 1 Mortal. A system affected by Stun suffers a +2 step penalty for all actions involving that system until the Stun is recovered, unless a special effect is described below. A system affected by Wound or Mortal cannot be used until repaired.

Base roll-1d20
1-4 Sensors-1d8
1 Vision
2 Hearing
3 Infrared
4 Ultraviolet
5 Telescopic
6-7 Radar
8 Communications
5-14 Weapons-1d20
1-3 Blaster Cannon
4-9 Blaster Battery
10-12 Masterblaster Battery
13-19 Laser Battery
20 Fusion Bomb Launcher
15-20 Misc. Systems-1d10
1-2 Force Field Generator (only +1 Resistance if Stunned)
3-6 Antigravity Pod (-7/-13 Movement per pod)
7 Targeting Systems (+2 step on attacks)
8 Tracking Systems (-1 weapon attack/action, minimum 1,
per hit)
9 Power Systems (+1 step on Action Checks, maximum +3 per
10 Bomb Ammunition (1d6 bombs disabled)

Adapted by Michael Sears