Vulture Lion
Str: 13 (2d4+8) # Appearing: 3-12
Dex: 9 (2d6+1)
Con: 18 (2d4+13)
Int: 5-6 (2d4+1)
Wil: 12 (2d6+5)
Per: 15 (2d8+6
Durability: 25/25/12/12 Action Check: 8+/4/2
Move: 22/14/4 Actions 3
Claw/Claw 2d6w/d4+1m/d6+2m LI/G
Bite d6+2w/d8+2w/d4+2m LI/O
+1 resistance modifier vs. Arcane magic & Faith FX speciality skills.
Armor rating: d6+1(LI) / d4(HI)/ d4-1 (EN) Good toughness.
Athletics (13)- Climb (15), Jump (17),Acrobatics (9)- Fall (12), Stealth (10),Stamina (18)- Endurance (21) ,Awareness (12)- Intuition(18), Perception (14) ,Resolve (12).
Description: These beasts have the body of a lion and the head and talons of a vulture. Massive beasts, 10' tall at the shoulder. They fight fiercely , never needing to check morale. This is a truly viscious creature that would give a T-Rex a tough time, + don't forget there is almost always more than one!
Converted from the old TSR Deities & Demigods Tome (the one with the Melnibonean Mythos!)
Conversion by Brutorz Bill