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The Megaweird stuff

Just old stuff

This Page deals with just some junk. It was once a chao page but it ain't that no more. It's now a collection of, well, stuff!

4/2/2000-Today I talk about the Pokémon craze

"Millions of dollars worth of Pokémon were purchased today. And still the pokémon Card game is hot off the shelves."quote from the small pamphlet my school gives out

First off, million's of DOLLARS!? That's obviously the report for, well, 1 person. What's with the craze. It'll probably suffer the "Furby Beanie Elmo" Syndrome. Okay, maybe not but, ya' know that's CRAZY. You see, Pokémon isn't THAT great. So, don't invest in Millions of P-mon cards as it'll just be an upset.

5/7/2000-Today I talk about decks

Today I realized that 1 Magic or Pokémon etc. deck may cost $100, or more to build because you need cards that you can only get in packs. Buying the cards individually will cost twice as much.

6/28/00-Today I talk about theivery and counterfeits.

I've been reading about theives and counterfeit games cards (not just Pokémon). That's just stupid so I'll stop talking.

9/26/00- For starters, I got a few complaints about me being "Bitchy" in the MegaWeird Part and surprisingly, a 3 page complaint was wrote by a Mr.Dork. Anyways, I took a trip to Japanland and spent a while there. (Just to warn you, yes, they ARE way ahead of us, about 1 year, but their children go to school basically year round.) I visited the Pokémon center (and you know now I'm kind of hating it right now but I'll still keep it up) and my mouth gaped open at how Pokémon has changed Kids completely, and every kid I saw had a Deck Holder, and Gameboy with a Gamelink cable. Anyways, it gave me time to relax, kick back, and think of new ways to be bitchy. So Mr. A. Dork if you don't like it, stay the heck out of my page, and for that matter, the kitchen. So long, and eat Ramen!

Agree? Don't Agree? Email me, and I may post your reason

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