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This walkthrough was made 100% by me with no help. If you want to use it,well, I'm sorry you can't put it on your page. A link would be nice, though.



None yet


0.5- Just started




Ok, when you start the game, your going to be asked the time of day. The first number is the hour. The second one is the minute. Then you are asked your name. When you really start, you'll be in Wakaba Town. Go downstairs and your mom will ask you what day it is, then give you your Pokégear. After that go outside and head to Professor Utsugi's lab. You'll be asked to pick a Pokémon. Your choices are Hinoarashi (Fire), Wanioko (Water), and Chikoriita (My personal favorite) Then his aide will give you a potion. Go outside and head West to Yoshinio City. Pokéballs are coming your way soon...

Next go west toward the next city. There go north and see Professor oak. He'll give you a Pokédex. Then, Utsugi will call you and tell you to see him. Head back towards Wakaba but along the way you'll fight your rival! He uses

A level 5 version of a Pokémon you COULD have used.

Then head back to Wakaba. Then talk to the cop in Utsugi's lab, name your rival, and talk to Utsugi. When you leave, his aide Will give you POKéBALLS! Head back west then go North, and then west as far as you can. This'll take you to the next town. Don't go to the gym yet. Go outside and fight a sheep-like creature. Catch it and level it up to 10-12. Then go to the gym. The reason you caught it is because it is an electric type, and it is a bird gym. Get your first badge and head to the cool-looking tower. It's a Bellsprout tower. If you chose hinoarashi, it'll be fairly easy.