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Union of Lost Souls©


((Just Click on the Guild Name to see individual Member Stats))

Group Name Acronym MemberCount
Clan Hetharto CH 18
Rhydin Revolution RR 18
Legion of Justice LoJ 15
the Legacy tL 15
Silver Moon Kingdom SMK 14
Knights of the Dark Cross KotDC 9
Outcast Beasts of Rhydin OBoR 8
Dragon Trainers of Rhydin DToR 7
Sisterhood of the Sword SotS 7
Brotherhood of the Blade BotB 6
the Peaceful Wolves of Rhydin tPWoR 5
UoLS Assassins N/A 10
UoLS Healers N/A 9
UoLS Priests N/A 9
UoLS Procters N/A 8
UoLS Freelancers N/A 6

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