FORUM Union of Lost Souls© Benefits of UoLS Welcome to the UoLS Benefits Section! UoLS offers many benefits to our members. Take a look! If your char is ever killed, for ANY reason, You are almost GUARANTEED a rezz within 24 hours! ((With the acception that you are AA'd under another forum, In which case you need to be rezzed by a priest under that forum.)) Although it is hard to get high dice in UoLS, ((This is to discourage moders.)) We make it easier by offering MANY ways to gain XP's! You can send in logs, Join other UoLS sections ((and all the logs will go into one XP pool)), Recruit, Or join in the occasional contests we hold! We have FREE enhancers! All you have to do is EARN them! Although UoLS is a new forum, We hope that with our methods, we will grow to be quite popular among Rhydin. Therefore, all our members will be held high with Rhydin's most elite! Back to the UoLS Home Page: