FORUM Union of Lost Souls© UoLS Contests Welcome to the UoLS Contests Section! Recruiting Contest We are trying to grow in number, So we are presently holding a recruiting contest. Not only do you get the usual 100 XP's per recruit, But you will gain an extra 500 for having the most recruits in: A Week A Month Each Winner will be announced at the end of the term. Good Luck! SL Contest One of the things that are a noticed downcline in Rhydin, are original Story Lines. Therefore, we are offering 1,000 XP's to whoever sends me an original story line that they have been a part of! All you have to do is send the forum Prez ((VXJustice FuryXv)) a letter explaining your SL, along with a couple logs to prove you were part of it. How much easier does it get to gain 1,000 XP's than this?!?! Winners will be announced at the end of each month. Good Luck! Back to the UoLS Home Page: