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Union of Lost Souls©

Great Solar Stance

Stance Grades
Grade Dice
1 2d100
2 3d90
3 3d100
4 4d100
5 5d90
6 5d100
7 6d90
8 6d100
9 7d100


The Great Solar Stance grades must be learned in order, from grade 1 to grade 9.
Master refers to users who, of course, know all the grades.

A Warning to Females
Wanting to Learn

Females who learn Great Solar Stance suffer the following effects from learning it:
  • Flat Chest
  • Hairy arms and legs
  • a Beard
  • a Male's Voice

Females should Learn at their OWN RISK!

Method 1 of
Great Solar Stance

The 1st way of teaching Great Solar Stance is a gradual method of learning for the student.
The student must fight a teacher a total of 15 times to learn 1 grade,
and the teacher must use the grade he/she is teaching while fighting the student.
Not all the fights for a grade must be fought in one day,
and the student does not have to fight the same teacher 15 times.
The student could fight different teachers,
and each fight would count towards the 15 fights needed to learn a grade,
as long as the teachers use the grade the student is trying to learn during the fights.
Note: when a student is fighting teachers to learn grade 1,
the student should roll 2d20 while fighting the teacher.

Method 2 of
Great Solar Stance

The 2nd way of teaching Great Solar Stance is quicker,
but involves more risk to the student.
The teacher infuses the stance in the student via yellow energy beams shot into the student.
As each grade is infused, a roll of 1d20 must be made by the student.
If a roll of 16 or higher is rolled,
The student dies before the current grade can be infused,
but retain all grades that he/she passed before dying.
For example, if a student failed to learn grade 4,
he/she would only retain grades 1, 2, & 3 (after Rezz).
A student may only recieve this type of learning once,
even if he/she dies during the learning.
Note: A teacher can only infuse Great Solar Stance up to the grade he/she has learned.

Using Great Solar
Stance in Battle

Users of the stance can choose to restrict what grades they use,
so that they have lower dice rolls in battle.
For Instance, if a master wants to go easy on someone he/she is fighting,
he/she could choose to use only up to grade 4, rolling 4d100 instead of 7d100.

Special Abilities of
Great Solar Stance

Solar Ki Blast (Any Grade): You shoot a very light blue sphere of Solar Ki,
Which is roughly 8 inches tall around, at your target.
2d20 Modifier to the dice roll.

Blood Sea (Any Grade): You charge your hands up with Solar Ki,
then rapidly strike the target, usually causing them to bleed severely.
3d20 Modifier to the dice roll.

Solar Pool (Any Grade): You envelope the target in Solar Ki,
then cause the Ki to explode while on them.
4d20 Modifier to the dice roll.

Great Solar in the Sky (Master): You shoot a huge stream of Solar Ki,
which is roughly 2 meters tall and wide.
5d20 Modifier to the dice roll.
Note: Remember that special abilities can only be used while you are using the stance.

Special Advantages of
Great Solar Stance

-10 Defense (Enhancer)
-10 Defense against cold temperatures. (Enhancer)
Note: Special Advantages stay in effect,
even when you are not using the stance.
Also, the Defense Enhancer is NOT cumulative with Great Lunar Stance's.

Great Solar Stance Users
Name Grade Max Dice
Master Ryu 9 7d100
Angel Justice Hetharto-Blade 9 7d100

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