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Union of Lost Souls©

Forum Roster

UoLS High Council

Name Position
Justice Fury Forum President
The Angel of Justice Vice President
Dariun Hetharto SiC
Sill Hetharto Co-SiC
Archmage Mikhal Kaurin Skye Head Mage
Samael Artex Macaber Assassin Coordinator
Daniel Demented Forum Advisor
Shadow Blade Hetharto Forum Advisor
Vous Drex'n Foum Advisor
Rand Al' Thor Foum Advisor
Lord Sorin Spears Foum Advisor

Guilds Under UoLS

Guild Name Acronym GC # of Members
Clan Hetharto CH Shadow Blade Hetharto 18
Rhydin Revolution RR Raijah ShadowStar 18
Legion of Justice LoJ The Angel of Justice 15
the Legacy tL Lord Vous Angelous Drexn 15
Silver Moon Kingdom SMK Archmage Mikhal Kaurin Skye 14
Knights of the Dark Cross KotDC The Angel of Justice 9
Outcast Beasts of Rhydin OBoR Kiara Silverwing 8
Dragon Trainers of Rhydin DToR Trelian Macleod 7
Sisterhood of the Sword SotS Tananda Celeste Blade 7
Brotherhood of the Blade BotB Justice Fury 6
the Peaceful Wolves of Rhydin tPWoR {Pending} 5


Group Name Type
KotDC Guild
LAoR Forum
UFoRCE Forum
DUSK Forum


Group Name Type
None N/A

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