Kelvan (Keraptis) Chilton
1st Level Fighter/7th Level Telepath

Medium-Size Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 1d10+7d6+8 (51 hp)
Initiative: +7 (+3 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 20 (+3 Dex, +5 Mithral Breastplate, +2 Large Wooden Shield)
Attacks: Special "K" +7 melee; or MW Light Flail +7 melee; or Composite Longbow +7 ranged
Damage: Special "K" 1d8+3, Light Flail 1d8+2, Composite Longbow 1d8+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Psionic-abilities
Special Qualities: Psicrystal "emerald" (liar) +2 bluff, sighted, empathic link, telepathic link, self propulsion, Speak with Other Creatures, Int 9
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +8
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 18
Skills: Animal Empathy +12, Bluff +19, Concentration +12, Diplomacy +14, Gather Information +12, Knowledge (psionics) +7, Psi-Craft +6, Remote View +8, Sense Motive +11, Climb +3, Craft +5, Handle Animal +5, Jump +3, Ride +4, Swim +3, Autohypnosis +4, Appraise +5, Escape Artist +6, Stabalize Self +2, Disguise +5, Balance +4
Feats: Improved Initiative, Extend Power, Psionic Focus (telepathy), Psychic Analyst, Craft Dorje
Climate/Terrain: Mistledale
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: 1,686 gp, 6 sp, Special "K" (+1 Longsword of Spell Storing), Masterwork Light Flail, Composite Longbow [14 Str], Mithral Breastplate, Dorje of Lesser Body Adjustment (49 charges), Potion of Fly, Potion of Dark Vision
Other Treasure: 1,686 gp, 6 sp, Dorje of Lesser Body Adjustment (44 charges), Hand Axe +1, Potion of Fly, Potion of Darkvision, Potion of Bull's Strength.

Psionic Abilities: (30 Power Points) 0 Lvl/0 pts.-Memory Recall (Cha), Burst (Dex), Finger of Fire (Int), Telempathic Projection (Cha), Detect Psionics; 1st Lvl 1 pt.-Lesser Body Adjustment (Str), Attraction (Cha), Lesser Mindlink (Cha), Sense Link (Cha); 2nd Lvl/3 pts.-Aversion (Cha), Inflict Pain (Cha), Animal Affinity (Str); 3rd Lvl/5 pts.-Charm Monster (Cha), Schism

Combat Modes: Mind Blast, Mind Thrust, Psychic Crush, Empty Mind, Intellect Fortress, Mental Barrier, Tower of Iron Will, Thought Shield

6th Level: Detect Psionics, Charm Monster
7th Level: Sense Link, Animal Affinity, Schism, Thought Shield
8th Level: Inkling, Forced Mindlink, Leader Ship Feat
9th Level: Fatelink, Fate of One, Ego Whip
10th Level: Missive, Greater Domination
11th Level: Animal Affinity, Inertial Barrier, Metamorphosis, ID Insinuation, Heighten Power Feat
12th Level: Cat Fall, Mass Suggestion
13th Level: Identify, Remote Viewing, Teleport, Mind Switch
14th Level: Mass Domination, Power Penetration Feat
15th Level: Natural Armor, Improved Fly, Ultra Blast
16th Level: See Invisibility, True Domination
17th Level: Astral Construct 5, Insanity, Astral Construct 8, Psychic Inquisitor Feat
18th Level: Time Hop, Monster Domination
19th Level: Incarnate, Thrall
20th Level: Wall of Ectoplasm, Mind Seed