Ozmo "Bandicoot" Chilton
14th Level Rogue/5th Level Assassin

Medium-Size Humanoid (Halfling)
Hit Dice: 19d6+38 (93 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 28 (+4 (Dex), +7 {+2}mithral chainmail, +2 {+1}buckler, +2 amulet of natural armor, +3 ring of protection)
Attacks: +4 Gauntlet +24/+19/+14; +3 Short Sword +23/+18/+13; or +2 Sling +17/+17/+12/+7
Damage: +4 Gauntlet 1d4+8 (17-20 x2); +2 Short Sword 1d6+8; or +2 Sling 1d4+5
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5ft.
Special Attacks: Halfling traits, sneak attack (10d6 or 11d6), poison use, death attack (Fortitude DC 18), crippling strike, spell-like abilities-1/day(Unseen Servant, Spider Climb, Change Self, Alter Self, Darkness, Invisibility).
Special Qualities: Halfling traits, evasion, uncanny dodge, skill mastery (disable device, move silently, pick pocket, search, tumble, use magic device).
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +18, Will +10 (+2 vs. traps, +3 vs. fire, +2 vs. poison, +2 vs. fear)
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Appraise +5, Balance +10, Bluff +14, Climb +10, Craft (traps) +5, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +30, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +25, Gather Information +5, Hide +35, Innuendo +7, Intimidate +5, Intuit Direction +4, Jump +6, Listen +15, Move Silently +48, Open Lock +28, Perform (acting) +5, Pick Pocket +30, Read Lips +4, Search +33, Spot +15, Tumble +19, Use Magic Device +36
Feats: Shield Proficiency, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Leadership, Improved Critical (gauntlet), Blind Fighting, Expertise
Climate/Terrain: Mistledale
Challenge Rating: 19
Treasure: Hewards Handy Haversack, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic, Boots of Elvenkind*, Boots of Speed, Ring of Chamelion Power, Ring of Feather Fall, Ring of Invisibility*, +3 Ring of Protection*, Vest of Escape, Patch of Everseeing, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Gauntlet of the Master Thief (+4, defending, spellstoring, +1d6 sneak attack, +3 save vs. fire), +3 Short Sword, +2 Short Sword, +2 Sling, Assassin Dagger, Staff of Earth and Stone (w/44 charges), Staff of Frost (w/36 charges), Wand of Stoneskin (w/32 charges), +2 Mithral Chainmail of Shadows, +1 Buckler, Green Dragon Orb, Bandolier (Purple Worm Poison, Bolt of Greater Elf Slaying, Bolt of Greater Human Slaying, Wand of Stoneskin [w/36 charges], Wand of Hold Person [w/49 charges], +1 Dagger, Scentbreaker, Marbles, Continual Flame Rock, Red Pool Ball), Masterwork Thieves Tools, Masterwork Potion Belt (2 Cure Serious Wounds, 2 Haste, 1 Lesser Restoration, 3 Purple Worm Poison), Scroll Organizer (2 Cure Serious Wounds, 2 Fly, 2 Displacement, 2 Greater Dispelling, 2 Improved Invisibility), Scroll Organizer (1 Teleport, 1 Control Water, 1 Water Walk, 1 Heal, 1 Improved Invisibility, 1 Spider Climb, 2 True Strike)
Other Treasure: Tree House, 468,480 gp, 1455 pp, 208 sp, 6150 cp, 53720 gp worth of gems, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor, 6 Scrolls of Cure Serious Wounds, 9 Scrolls of Stoneskin, 5 Scrolls of Fly, 6 Scrolls of Displacement, 17 Scrolls of True Strike, 11 Scrolls of Mirror Image, 9 Scrolls of Detect Magic, 4 Scrolls of Identify, 5 Scrolls of Improved Invisibility, 19 Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds, 3 Scrolls of Spider Climb, 1 Scroll of Enlarge, 2 Potions of Alter Self, 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds, 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, 2 Potions of Heroism, 1 Potion of Neutalize Poison, 1 Potion of Lesser Restoration, 2 Potions of Delay Poison, 2000 gp Velvet and Embroidered Silk Cloak, 800 gp Golden Spear with Silver Dragon Heads x3, 2200 gp Gold Armband, 1000 gp Multi-Colored Egyptian Rug, 400 gp Gold Necklace w/Emerald, 800 gp Pearl Choker, 500 gp Turquois Amulet x4, 1300 gp Necklace, 200 gp Gold Anklet x3, 200 gp Gold Necklace x4, 200 gp Ring, 150 gp Silver Anklet x2, 125 gp Gold Griffon Broach, 150 gp Gold Belt, 10 gp Silver Ring x5, 20 gp Gold Ring, 100 gp Silver Anklet, 50 gp Silver Bracelet x2, 100 gp Gold Bracelet x3, 20 gp Gold Ear Rings, 25 gp Wooden Hawk Statue, Priceless Egyptian Pharoh Statue, Priceless Suit of Gold Coin Mail, 1000 gp Vail, Priceless Stone Alter, 1750 gp Silk Mantle, Brandoboris's +5 Wounding poison dagger of returning.

Badger Watch