Description: Well I thought this would be a unique and fun piece for the PCs to watch. Basically Cornelius dropped off 2 Death Tyrants (previously summoned) with the main villians of this adventure. The small army consists of 4 adventurers and 4 fighter henchman (2nd Level). I get bored sometimes and like to play AD&D by myself, but anyway here is how the story is viewed.

The battle begins with adventurers winning the inititive.

Cleric: Begins to fall back letting the warriors step, while he removes a uniquely crafted bowl that hangs over his shoulder.

Mage: While retreating with the Cleric he casts Magic Missiles towards one of the horrifying creatures. The missiles disolve in thin air as they rush towards the beholders (no effect).

Fighter: Rushes over to retrieve his spear and successfully does so.

Rogue: Holds back slightly letting the warriors rush in.

Warriors: These four men rush in and separate breaking off into two's to effectively battle the 2 Tyrants.

Warriors (A): Both these warriors nail this Death Tyrant (A) in the center eye causing a total of 11pts of damage with their wooden swords.

Warriors (B): Both these warriors attack the center eye also. Only one warrior hits however causing 8 pts of damage.

Tyrant (A): Uses one of his eyestalks to cause "Flesh to Stone" on one of the (A) fighters while he bites the other for 3 pts. of damage.

Tyrant (B): Attempts to "Hold" one of the warriors with his eyestalk and fails. Next he causes "Slow" on both warriors. With his final action he bites at the opposite warrior missing.

Cleric: Begins to poor water in his bowl from his wineskin.

Wizard: Begins casting Protection from Evil with no success.

Fighter: Armed with a spear attacks Tyrant (B) twice in the body causing 20 pts. of damage.

Rogue: Slashes at an eyestalk on Tyrant (A) slicing it clean off.

Warriors (A): The remaining warrior watches his friend get turned to stone then slashes the center eye once again missing as the Tyrant repositions himself toward the rogue.

Warriors (B): With both warriors slowed neither gets an attack this round.

Tyrant (A): Uses "Telekenisis" to hurl a rock at the rogue while missing her. He then inflicts 14 pts of damage upon the woman. Lastly he bites the last warrior for 5 pts of damage.

Tyrant (B): Try's to "Hold" the fighter with no success. Lastly he bites at one of the slowed men causing max damage of 8 pts.

Cleric: Begins chanting something in his native tongue.

Mage: Uses his Staff hoping to "Dispel Magic" once again with no success.

Fighter: Attacks the body once and the center eye once. He hits both times causing 7 pts of damage to the body and 7 pts to the center eye on Tyrant (B).

Rogue: Uses her sword in attempt to remove another eyestalk while she stabs the body with her bone dagger. Her outcome is the removal of one of the remaining 7 eyestalks and missing the body. Beholder (A) now has only 6 stalks left.

Warrior (A): Attacks and misses.

Warriors (B): Both strike the center eye simultaniously for a total of 14 pts. causing the beholder to scream as the center eye is destroyed.

Tyrant (A): Hearing the scream of his commrade and the commands of his master echoing through his head he uses his "Death Ray" slaying the last warrior. Lastly he turns and bites the rogue again for 5 pts. of damage.

Tyrant (B): Uses his "Death Ray" and slays one warrior. He then bites the Fighter for 7 pts. of damage.

Cleric: Has successfully conjured a water elemental to assist.

Wizard: Try's to cast magic missiles once again and succeeds causing 15 pts. of damage to Tyrant (A).

Fighter: Attacks Tyrant (B) 2 more times hitting twice causing 20 pts. of damage.

Rogue: Attacks the center eye twice and scores a hit with her dagger destroying the center eye.

Warrior (B): Hits Tyrant (B) in the body for 3 pts. of damage destroying the mighty beast.

Tyrant (A): Causes 9 pts of damage to the rogue with a cause serious wounds then bites her for 3 pts. of damage.

With the aid of the Water Elemental the last Tyrant is destroyed. The mage lifts the treasure chest out of the half dug hole. The cleric extends his arms to the sky with his eyes closed as he mumbles to the sky.

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