Common XP Awards


Player has a clever idea 50-100 XP
Player has an idea that saves the party 10-50
Player roleplays character well 1-5% of all XPs gained that session.
Player encourages role playing in others 10-20 XP.


Clever use of skill 1 XP.
Higher risk involved in clever use of skill 2-5 XP.

Individual Awards By Class

Warrior (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger):

Creature defeated in single combat ie. "one on one" 10% of XP gained.
Successful use of special class ability 10 XP.

Priest (Druid, Cleric, Specialty Priest):

Successful commune with deity 50 XP.
Successful use of granted power 10 XP.
Spells cast to further ethos 10 XP/spell level.
Rites and sacraments observed 10 XP.
Recruiting others to faith 20 XP.
Enemies of faith destroyed 10% of XP gained.

Wizard (Mage, Specialty Wizard):

Spells cast to overcome foes or problems in a creative way 10 XP/spell level.
Spells located and learned 2 XP/spell level.
Spells successfully researched 50 XP/spell level.

Rogue (Thief):

Successful use of general thieving ability 5 XP.
Successful find/remove traps attempt 20 XP if done creatively.
Successful pick pockets attempt 10 XP.
Successful backstab attempt 5 XP.
Successful use of special ability 5 XP.

Rogue (Bard):

Successful use of special ability 5 XP.
Successful performances made 10 XP.
Significant performance (major audience) 50 XP.
Spells cast to overcome foes or problems creatively 10 XP/spell level.


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