"Aella"- The first month of the new year. Everyone in all the land celebrates the beginning of the new year which begins the nite before and carries on the rest of the first day.

Day 1: Lord Dusang ruler of the territory towards the west summons five brave men to journey to a SHATTERED CIRCLE to see if it is the cause of his poor harvest over the last few years. He uses his position unfairly and bullies the party into going or he would have them slain for showing no loyalty.

Day 2: The group is attacked by several Kobalds while on the trail to the ancient ruins. As they are just about to set up camp for the night they discover they have chosen a bad spot as 2 Owl Bears lived nearby. After horrid battle the group finally slays the beasts and retrieves treasure from a nearby lair.

Day 3: Around noon the group stops at Cleah's Enchanted House along the trail. They catch something to eat from the friendly witch's home and look at her magical items then head on. At around 3 pm they encounter a Fairie Dragon name Moochau and his band of pixies that live in a nearby tree. After getting their rings stolen the party finds Moochau and attack him and his Pixie crew. Moochau escapes to spare the lives of his friends and the party raids Moochau's den. They also discover the tree in which the treasure is in is also has magical fruit. The party tries some of the fruit then rest as they contemplate the shattered circle that sits on the hill top only minutes away.

Day 4: Upon exploring the first level some of the party discovers hostile Chitines within the underground caverns of the crippled ruins.

Day 5: Three party members are found missing so the other remaining 2 surface only to find a new party of five has been sent out by Lord Dusang to assist the adventurers.

Day 7: One of Dusangs trackers is sent to check on the party's progress and soon joins their effort to rid the dungeon of evil.

Day 8: Several members of the group decided to flee from the caverns during the night leaving only 4 to survive the horrors of the soil of the earth.

Day 9: The bard is slain by two Large Spiders and the group takes her to Cleah's for help. Cleah reincarnates the woman into an ugly dwarf but she lives once again for it is all Cleah can do.

Day 10: The group is now at full strength once again as their commrades meet up with them for an encounter with a great chitine city.

Day 11: The bard is taken captive by a Neogi and his Umber Hulk slave. They take the bard to the Founding Stone so that she may be possessed by it as they have. Hours later the bard catches up with her friends just in time to see three of them slain by an illusionary falling cieling.

Day 12: The remaining party discovers the founding stone along with a large Chitine, the Neogi and the Umber Hulk. The characters over come a dangerous battle and bury the founding stone under the ruins.

Day 13: The party emerges from the underground hell only to encounter Moochau once again.

Day 16: The party arrives at Lord Dusangs keep to collect their rewards and find out that Dusang sent them out to find the chosen ones which is they. They discover they are part of an ancient proficy that must be fullfilled. They meet a wise and powerful mage named Morge-Ur who resides secretly within Dusang's castle. He informs them more information and tells them to head to Newhon which is a long travel to the east.

Day 17: The small group decides it be best to stay on the roads rather than cut across the continent. They head south threw the planes and the thickest of forest.

Day 22: The group encounters a band of elven bandits while traveling threw the forest. Deciding not to give the bandits payment they fight their way out of the sticky situation.

"Auda"-This is the month of love. On the 7th of the month lovers exchange gifts beauty and dine in there companions company.

Day 2: The group arrives in the city of Pandora. Here they stable their horses and pick up supplies agreeing to head out in the following morning.

Day 16: The group is attacked by savage werewolves and defend themselves as the lights of Newhon shine brightly ahead.

Day 17: The party finally arrives in Newhon and stable their horses and roam around the large city. They also take it upon themselves to report the siting of the werewolves to the proper authorities.

Day 18: They find wanted posters for a terrible creature called "Aillen" as well as get word of a great sunken treasure off the coast.

Day 19: The group decides to under go a quest for sunken treasure after taking on a band of pirates in a local tavern. The players get the help of a man named Wallace so that they may reach the sunken ship. They set sail that night.

Day 20: Early morning they decide to submerge into the water and explore the sunken ship only to find many Suhaugin have taken over the ship and captured some Tridents which the group allies with so that they may be freed.

Day 21: The group dives down one final time and slays a mighty sea dragon and brings up much treasure.

Day 22: The player characters find their way to their rooms as the Aillen breaks into the Wizards room striking a deal with his imp familiar that leaves the Wizard with missing treasure.

Day 23: The group spends most of the day seeking out information about the Aillen only to find very little. The Bard is attacked outside the Inn by several dopplegangers. The group comes to her aid.

Day 24: The group decides to check the southern part of the marsh hoping to find the Aillens Lair and only find a horde of Giant Rats under a stump by which they slept that nite.

Day 25: The group kills some spiders while treking threw the muddy swamp. Later that nite they find shelter in a small cave with a pool of water. They notice the pool begins to bubble in the middle of the nite and discover several angry Mudmen whom try to drown the bard.

Day 26: The group decides to head back to the city empty handed only to encounter the deadly Gulgoth Hydra which could have easily slain the party if it wasnt for their cooperation.

Day 27: The group encounters a huge red dragon flying over their head from Newhon. When they return they discover a tatered Newhon and a city of turmoil as all magic was lost in the flames.

Day28: Cain the warrior finds himself in a drinking competition with some older men and heads to his room for the day. The wizard finally gets some information on the whereabouts of the aillen and gets the help of Orson a young cleric seeking adventure. They decide to set out in three days.

"Eyolf"-This is the last month of birth. The 9th is a day dedicated to the children of the land. Many parades and carnivals are held for fun. This day is all about fun and is one to be enjoyed. On the 15th celebration of everyones equallity of all races takes place. It is usually followed with the consumption of large amounts of alcohal.

Day 1: The group sets out and encounters a group of bloodthirsty Bullywugs that simply retreat when they discover all their attacks have no effect on their victims. As move on darkness soon sets upon them and they make camp on a large rock. Later that night the Samurai's tent is broke into by some UnSeelie Fairies. The group fights them off and jars 4 of the little rascals.

Day 2: The group encounters luminess glowing webs much like the ones seen inside the SHATTERED CIRCLE. They fight of several of the dangerous spiders and the bard retrieves a magical +1 shield. The group then finds the Aillens lair only without no Aillen. They steal what treasure they can carry and make a swift exit after taking on a horde of shadows. They decide to use the cave below as shelter and while rummaging threw bone piles finding valuable objects they also find 2 basilisks and 2 members are turned to stone. They decide not to make camp and head home. The PCs fix their petrified comrades and devide the treasure only to attacked by the Aillen himself. They successfully chase him away but not without suffering a few burns.

Day 3: The group sets out once more to find the Aillen only to encounter several orcs along the way. In an act of nature Talpa slays one of the helpless orcs leaving Seventh in a not so happy mood. The scene becomes very touchy when words are exchanged between Kain and Seventh resulting in sword play. Seventh sword however is cursed causing him to berserk. After a grooling battle Seventh is slain in last resort.

Day 4: The group decides to have supper together at the bar behind Ovbirs. They seat themselves with a werewolf and he stays the nite with Abigale. It soon turns nasty later that night when he shows his true form. He is slain and taken away.

Day 5: The group heads back once again to find the Aillen and have to return home empty once again with only bruises.

Day 6: The group decides to go back to the caves only this time they stay the nite and the Aillen attacks them again after coming threw a secret passage. In which the party faught an orc with 4 trained bears. The Aillen flees and manages to run off with Cornelious's imp familiar.

Day 7: Early in the morning the group persues the Aillen with the aid of a magic mirror sponsored by the necromancer. The imp faces off against the Aillens quasit friend in the fight of his life. After barely escaping with the aid of Corneliouses powerful magic the imp over comes the odds and escapes. The rest of the party struggles with the Aillen inside the cave but in the end it is the Aillen who flees and is stopped by a flesh to air spell with grizzly results.

As the group continues exploring the caverns they find a pool with some grey oozes which gaurd a gold cup of great value. After that scirmish the group moves on to slay a Dracolisk which lives in the same cave. The group devises a plan to ambush it but after a failed illusion the ambush still works enabling the group to defeat the monster with the aid of some cowardly wererats.

Day 8: The group frees some captives from a nearby cave then head back to town with them. They encounter 5 hungry crocodiles on their way. The Samurai proves himself invaluable to the group as he and the others fend off the giant beasts. Upon getting to town they divide their treasure and part their own ways temporarily to buy, sell, and trade off equipment. The Samurai turns some of the gator hide into vests and clothing. Meanwhile Cornelius takes it upon himself to get rid of the Cleric they hired so that they wont have to pay him off. Cornelius does a wonderful job and properly disposes of the body.

Day 9: The group exchanges gifts on this fine day. They meet a little elvin child priest. The samurai finds himself teaching kata in the park with many youngsters. Seventh finds the company of orphans at the local church and finds himself doing katas later.

Day 10: The group decides to retrieve some of the necromancers pawned goods. They steel one item from a Treant then return. Then they decide they need to find a way to get to the Pirate Isle. It is a tight lipped secret and after going to the church of Idon they find that they can get passage. They discover that Ovbir will be taking the elvin girl over the sea and he will also take them on his boat Glandrid.

Day 11: The party seeks out the little cleric and gets her to assist them in retrieving the rest of the necromancers goods. She follows them as they retrieve some gloves from a mounted rider traveling through the mountains with the aid of a teleport spell. The elven cleric reports back after they buy the gloves from the travelor.

Day 12: After realizing the Treant still has much of the mages treasure they take the elvin cleric with them once again to regain the treasure. They slay the treant and return home.

Day 13: They head out to sea.

Day 14: They encounter a sea otter that is immediately slain for food.

Day 15: Nothing significant other than Seventh is very sick.

Day 16: The crew discovers a whale and decides to kill it for the oil, food, and for the sport of it.

Day 17: Nothing except a little rain.

Day 18: Nothing.

Day 19: The boat is ravaged by a storm all day and all night.

Day 20: That morning they spot several dolphins as the rain and storm recedes. The sailors take this as a good omen and are quite thrilled. A few hours later the boat lands on the coast near the slave city of slavia. The samurai and Seventh fight for entertainment. The dwarves head off to get drunk and Cornelius begins purchasing slaves.

Day 21: Cornelius spends much of the day hunting for a place to keep his slaves. Finding an occupied farmhouse he slays the inhabitants and claims it as his own.

Day 22: The small boat sets sail early this morning on a pretty uneventful day.

Day 23: 3 Humpback whales are spotted off in the distance but the crew is still fresh on supplies and they decide not to chance slaying the whales since their is to many.

Day 24: Another quiet day on the boat.

Day 25: The tiny boat encounters a merchant boat. The boat is transfering spices back to the mainland and offer the PCs and Ovbirs crew. They gladly except the offer and board the ship. The Talpa the samurai is led down below to view some of the most rarest spices as the others wait above. Upon viewing the spices Talpa realizes he has been tricked by 4 Dopplegangers. The Necromancer becomes enraged by the treachery of the ship and lobs a fireball through the main deck causing the ship to fill with water. Sparing the ship momentarily Cornelius summons a water elemental to hold the ship up. The PCs escape victorious taking the crews occupants with them to the next port.

Day 26: Nothing happens.

Day 27: Nothing happens.

Day 28: Nothing happens.

"Huegois"- This is the first month of the hottest 3 months of the year. The 21st is when the surrounding territories bring forth their best warriors to participate in a special tournament to prove who has the best warriors. The 28th is considered a memorial day to remember the fallen warriors of previous battles.

Day 1: Playing in the water some tiny otters which seem to have a shinny ring of sorts. The Necromancer fetches the ring and discovers its magical properties to be that of a ring of mammal control.

Day 2: Nothing happens.

Day 3: Nothing happens.

Day 4: The ship encounters another school of playful dolphins. Sesela the little elven cleric notices one of the dolphins is injured with an arrow. With the assistence of the mage they manage to remove it with the gentlest of care as to not upset the other dolphins.

Day 5: Nothing happens.

Day 6: Nothing happens.

Day 7: The sunsets on this nite and the inhabitants of the boat notice several strange serpants swimming on the horrizon. After halting and watching them they vanish into the water. The group waits an hour before going on predicting an attack from the serpants. As the boat ventures into the Sea Wyrms territory the boat is shakin up by these three chaotic monsters. Much of the crew and PCs fall victim to their sleep breath and the rest are left to fight the creatures alone. The Dwarves, Cleric, and Necromancer all slay the creatures sparing their badly hurt boat.

Day 8: Much of the day is spen fixing the boat that the Sea Wyrms damaged while a Water Elemental pushes them along.

Day 9: The group spots several more dolphins.

Day 10: A merchant ship is spotted in the distance but Ovbir and his crew head onward.

Day 11: Nothing eventful happens.

Day 12: A ship of with some fisherman stop to ask for directions directions and gather a few supplies from.

Day 13: Some odd shaped horselike creatures are seen of course from the boat but the group decides to keep on course hoping to reach the Pirate Isle soon.

Day 14-19: Ovbir's ship finally reaches the Island landing at the native city of Tanoroa that is surrounded by a huge stone wall. The group helps the cleric fix the local church so that they can tend to more immediate matters at hand.

Day 20: The party once again sets out to find lost treasures heading north. 4 hours later they find a helpless buried ankhlyosaurus. They spend quite some time digging the creature out of the mudslide and manage to find several gems in the process.

Day 21: A tribe of Raksashas are seen up ahead the group debates for quite some time whether they are hostile or not before encountering them. Unable to speak with them the PCs walk through the camp only being harassed to trade goods which they decline. Later towards the evening the group is attacked by six furious wyverns which the Wizards manage to desolate with fireballs.

Day 22: Reaching the edge of a mountain range for the night the group makes camp and decides to go around in the morning. Very early the next morning however the camp is disturbed by a mighty T-Rex.

Day 23: During todays travel close to the mountains a large Roc snatched the tiny elven cleric carrying her high into the sky as her comrades watch almost completely helpless. The Necromancer Storm aka: Cornelius brings the mighty bird down in arial combat but is not able to spare the life of the elf.

Day 24: Early in the morning Storm takes Sesela back to her temple with his teleport spell to get her ressurected. Dalia the High Priestess charges her nothing when she finds out that Sesela had completed her task of helping restore the damaged temple.
As the groups travel in search of a buried treasure continues. The party comes to a large Plateu towering over 3,000 ft. high and extending for more than 10 miles. After Storms earlier survey of the land he knows their is a village up ahead the party agrees to pay a visit. Once inside the small village they are greeted by an old crippled man named Fano whom the group befriends and gets much information on the land. The PCs are informed that they are being hunted and shortly after they believe they were attacked by something or someone they could not see!

Day 25: After making a quick exit from the village and travelling well into the early hours of morning the party of 4 makes camp. Several non violent creatures pass through and one earth quake shakes the PCs awake! They spend the rest of the day resting and catching up on sleep.

Day 26: The ground shook terribly during the day while the PC's tried to sleep. Hours later 2 large cats are spotted roaming the area.

Day 27: As nightfall approaches the group reaches the edge of the Plateau. Using spells the party makes their way slowly down the bottom. After traveling a little further they encounter more mountains which must be navigated through. While manuvering though the terrain the PC's are attacked by several hostile Trolls.

Day 28: The group spends most of the day resting so the wizards can memorize their spells.

Day 29: An Invisible Stalker presents itself as a threat to the traveling PCs. Through the aid of the wizards it is easily defeated.
Several hours later the group reaches the large lake rumored to have a large beast living within. Emerging themselves in the water the PC's soon find themselves battling a Plesiasuarus.
On the surface The Death Mages Ogres and Imp familiar encounter trouble from a rival group. The 2 Ogres meet their fate and imp escapes. Cornelius saves the day by reading a very terrible scroll summoning 23 Death Tyrants to his aid. Fearing the worst the enemy retreats with a scroll of teleportation leaving several members behind.
Continuing onward Seventh and Talpa go after the hidden treasure, leaving Cornelius to deal with his Death Tyrants till morning. Discovering the treasure with the Imps aid the begin digging. Suprised and outnumbered they are attacked once again, dying terribly as a powerful wand strikes them all down "dead"!
Hearing the Imps cry's for help Cornelius awakes and arrives to retrieve the bodies of the fallen. Before departing however he does leave 2 beholders for the group to contend with. To see what happens to the villains click here.

Day 30: Fleeing the area Sesela encounters some native berserkers. Challenging them in the burning flames of a bonfire the tiny elf survives the hostile men and retrieves a magical ring. Later when she begins to pray Cornelius retrieves her and brings her back to Newhon.


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