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Have you ever wondered why people who are not particularly attractive seem to attract dates like flies to honey? They seem to have some chemical attraction about themselves. We show you how you can do it too!

Are you lonely & Horny? So are millions of hot girls & anxious women who want you! This is your opportunity to be able to find & meet and SCORE with hundreds of sizzling ladies & women... who, let's face it... THEY WANT TO GET LAID! All you need is the Know How & the Techniques required to get them out of their PANTIES... and INTO YOUR BED.

Our products have helped millions of men to meet, make-out, score, bed-down, screw, bang & get themselves plenty of that twinkle, twinkle little muff & tight pink stuff... that we girls have... If you know what I mean!

I don't care how old you are or what you like, tall or short, fat or thin or even if you have failed with women in the past... we are here to help you be on your way to meeting, dating & screwing dozens of pretty women, (Don't be surprised, if suddenly your best friend's wife or girlfriend starts making a pass at you.

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Usual price for this audio cassette presentation is £ 30/$ 50. Our clearance price is just £ 20/$ 30 with FULL copying and resell rights.

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