Experience System & Charts
Experience Point System This is the system of calculation that will be used to determine the EXP your character gains from a battle. Combat EXP System If you lose, you gain EXP equal to the Number of Opponents you fought, times your character level, times 5. # of Opponents * Your Level * 5 = EXP Gained for a loss. If you win a battle, you gain EXP equal to the Combined Levels of All your Opponents, times your level, times 5. Combined Levels of Opponents * Your
Level * 5 = EXP Gained for a win. Assassination EXP System If you failed the attempt, you gain EXP equal to your level times 5. Your Level * 5 = EXP gained for a failed attempt. If you have a successful attempt, you gain EXP equal to target's level, times your level, times 10. Target's Level * Your Level * 10 = EXP gained from a successful assassination. |
Depending on what you choose as
your starting Class, that will be the EXP chart you use for your character.