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Experience System & Charts

Experience Point System

     This is the system of calculation that will be used to determine the EXP your character gains from a battle.

Combat EXP System

     If you lose, you gain EXP equal to the Number of Opponents you fought, times your character level, times 5.

          # of Opponents * Your Level * 5 = EXP Gained for a loss.

     If you win a battle, you gain EXP equal to the Combined Levels of All your Opponents, times your level, times 5.

         Combined Levels of Opponents * Your Level * 5 = EXP Gained for a win.
         (Special Note: If you won at a Slave Match, Release Match, or War Battle multiply your total by two.  If you             won a Death Match, multiply your total by three.)

Assassination EXP System

     If you failed the attempt, you gain EXP equal to your level times 5.

          Your Level * 5 = EXP gained for a failed attempt.

     If you have a successful attempt, you gain EXP equal to target's level, times your level, times 10.

          Target's Level * Your Level * 10 = EXP gained from a successful assassination.     

Depending on what you choose as your starting Class, that will be the EXP chart you use for your character.
Special Starting class Characters will be specified as to which system to use.




1 - 0
2 - 45
3 - 90
4 - 135
5 - 225
6 - 360
7 - 585
8 - 945
9 - 1530
10 - 2475

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

11 - 4005
12 - 5535
13 - 8010
14 - 12015
15 - 17550
16 - 25560
17 - 37575
18 - 55125
19 - 80685
20 - 118260

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

21 - 150000
22 - 225000
23 - 300000
24 - 400000
25 - 500000
26 - 600000
27 - 700000
28 - 800000
29 - 900000
30 - 1000000

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

31 - 1200000
32 - 1400000
33 - 1600000
34 - 1800000
35 - 2000000
36 - 2200000
37 - 2400000
38 - 2600000
39 - 2800000
40 - 3000000
41 - 3500000
42 - 4000000
43 - 4500000
44 - 5000000
45 - 5500000
46 - 6000000
47 - 7000000
48 - 8000000
49 - 9000000
(Max) 50 - 10000000
Level EXP
1 - 0
2 - 35
3 - 70
4 - 105
5 - 175
6 - 280
7 - 455
8 - 735
9 - 1190
10 - 1925

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

11 - 3115
12 - 4305
13 - 6230
14 - 9345
15 - 13650
16 - 19895
17 - 29240
18 - 42890
19 - 62785
20 - 92025

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

21 - 100000
22 - 175000
23 - 250000
24 - 300000
25 - 350000
26 - 400000
27 - 450000
28 - 500000
29 - 600000
30 - 700000

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

31 - 900000
32 - 1100000
33 - 1250000
34 - 1400000
35 - 1600000
36 - 1800000
37 - 2000000
38 - 2200000
39 - 2400000
40 - 2600000
41 - 2800000
42 - 3000000
43 - 3500000
44 - 4000000
45 - 4500000
46 - 5000000
47 - 6000000
48 - 7000000
49 - 8000000
(Max) 50 - 9000000
Level EXP
1 - 0
2 - 40
3 - 80
4 - 120
5 - 200
6 - 320
7 - 520
8 - 840
9 - 1360
10 - 2200

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

11 - 3560
12 - 4920
13 - 7120
14 - 10680
15 - 15600
16 - 22720
17 - 33400
18 - 49000
19 - 71720
20 - 105120

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

21 - 125000
22 - 200000
23 - 275000
24 - 350000
25 - 425000
26 - 500000
27 - 575000
28 - 650000
29 - 750000
30 - 850000

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

31 - 1050000
32 - 1250000
33 - 1750000
34 - 1600000
35 - 1800000
36 - 2000000
37 - 2200000
38 - 2400000
39 - 2600000
40 - 2800000
41 - 3000000
42 - 3500000
43 - 4000000
44 - 4500000
45 - 5000000
46 - 5500000
47 - 6500000
48 - 7500000
49 - 8500000
(Max) 50 - 9500000
Level EXP
1 - 0
2 - 50
3 - 100
4 - 150
5 - 250
6 - 400
7 - 650
8 - 1050
9 - 1700
10 - 2750

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

11 - 4450
12 - 6150
13 - 8900
14 - 13350
15 - 19500
16 - 28400
17 - 41750
18 - 61250
19 - 89650
20 - 131400

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

21 - 200000
22 - 250000
23 - 350000
24 - 450000
25 - 550000
26 - 650000
27 - 750000
28 - 850000
29 - 950000
30 - 1050000

Evolve to Next
Allowed Choosen

31 - 1250000
32 - 1450000
33 - 1800000
34 - 2000000
35 - 2200000
36 - 2400000
37 - 2600000
38 - 2800000
39 - 3000000
40 - 3500000
41 - 4000000
42 - 4500000
43 - 5000000
44 - 5500000
45 - 6000000
46 - 7000000
47 - 8000000
48 - 9000000
49 - 11500000

(Max) 50 -


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