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Long ago, Azerith was in an unstable state of chaos.  Wars flourished between the kingdoms and the lands.  This unstability continued to intensify

the longer time passed.  Due to this constant chaos, it had spawned a being of great power and destructive intent.  This being created a clan of

his own to try and take control of the realm.  The clan was known to few, for those who encountered it, usually didn't survive to tell of it's existence.

The being who controlled this devastating clan was a Mage of great power.  But he was not an ordinary mage by any means, he was the first of

his kind.  He was the first Dragon Mage known by the name Draquar.   With clear intent to destroy the realm itself, Draquar set his plans in motion.

However, the high wizards of Azerith discovered his dark plans and gathered together in an attempt to destroy this ungodly creature of chaos.

The wizards became known as the Wizard's Circle.  Banded together from all parts of the realm, the wizards set out to destroy Draquar and his

clan.  Elected as leader of this circle was an old man known as Sylvic Starmon, he and the Wizard's Circle moved across the lands gathering them

to fight this powerful clan.  Soon enough the Wizard's Circle came to power as a government for all the lands.  While Draquar and his secret clan

continued to build in it's size and force, the Wizard's Circle not only became a government for the lands, but a school for those who had an interest

of gift for magic.  At the end of nearly two decades of wars, the Wizard Circle had finally brought the lands to peace with one another.  This peace

wouldn't last long, for Draquar was ready to come out of hiding.   His force was more then the wizards could have anticipated, for it was spread

throughout the lands in different ranks and factions.  All those of the wizard's school joined the armies of the kingdoms and lands to fight this powerful

clan of destructive force.  The war began and hell flooded the lands, a war unlike any had ever seen.  The high wizard's had enough and decided it

was time to take off the head of this monster.  A circle of ten wizards, the most powerful from all the lands, set out to find Draquar and end this chaos.

After months had gone by, the ten wizards finally met the dragon mage himself, face to face.  The wizards knew they had the work cut out for them.

Draquar was an immortal creature, and the wizards knew they couldn't destroy him.  So they did all they could, using all the magic they had, they locked

the dragon mage in a magical prison for all eternity.  This however didn't go without a cost,  in order to keep anyone from setting him free, they had to

guard the prison.  Three wizards were to remain, but in order to live within the realm that they had created simply as Draquar's prison, six of the wizards

gave up their lives to cast the required spells.  Only one wizard remained apart to run the entire Wizard's Circle, Sylvic's personal apprentice and

advisor,  Dias Valthorne.  Dias took over as Master Wizard of the school and the Wizard's Circle.  After Draquar was locked away, his forces slowly

faded away.  Peace was once again instilled upon the land.   Now, after almost two decades, Draquar has found away to escape his prison.

One goal in mind, he has set out once again, as for Master Wizard Dias Valthorne and the kingdoms... the rest of the story has yet to be written.

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