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            Dear Role-Players,


                    I'd like to be the first to welcome you here into this RPG.  My name is William, and I play as Master Wizard Dias Valthorne.

            I am also the creator of this new Realm.  I created Azerith because I thought it was needed, especially for those who have a high

            interest for RPG's.   This RPG is much like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(AD&D), infact I imported some of their rules for this


                    This RPG has been something I thought about creating for a long time.  I've played alot of the original AD&D but as our

            society of life advances in technology, old games are slowly lost and out dated.  However, RPG's seem to be the only game that

            will never go out of date.  So here I am adapting to the technology of the world to bring you a game you'll enjoy.

                    I welcome all those who wish to join the game, but out of respect, I'd like to ask that you play the game by the rules.

                    This game is intended only for those who have the true heart for role-playing.


                                                                                                                                Greetings & Welcome to Azerith,

                                                                                                                                                William (Master Wizard Dias Valthorne)


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