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My Magnum Opus: Nornica Galactica

Chapter 4:Dark Star Rising

We rejoin our heros (yes, and heroines) later on when all couples now have had nornlings to care for. Deanna and Galen had a pink/purple pixie named Orion. So named because he was as bright as a wandering star. He had inhereted his mother's resourcefulness making him very adaptable. Rhiannon and Laird had been blessed with Eris, a beautiful golden desert with emerald legs. Save for the legs, she was a typical gold but with a slight green tint that seemed to shimmer in the light. She had a mysterious and even suspicious nature with strong leadership qualities inherited from her father. It was natural for all children to be mischievious but Eris went further than that and, in all honesty, she was a bit of a troublemaker.

Miranda, the mystical blue daughter of Saskia and Rufus was the complete opposite of Eris. Her parents had recently been appointed Healers and the frighteningly clever Miranda was showing the same flair for stumbling blindly into cures for common ailments. She was exactly like her blue pixie mother apart from her head which was blue pigmented desert norn. Maris, who we met before had a bit of a crush on the gentle blue healer and it was already pretty clear that they would marry eventually. Orion didn't like the idea of Maris claiming the norn he had adored from birth, but when he caught sight of Eris he transferred his affections to her and proceeded to follow her around. Eris loved the attention so... The latest tale begins a little before the 2nd wave of grendels arrived bent on destruction


Eris was a strange norn. She had many characteristics unique to her, her mysterious and troublesome nature for a start. She was obviously her parents daughter. Her innocent beauty from her mother gave the impression that she was a meek little creature. Uh Oh! Big mistake! She was trouble with a capitol T. Anyone out to annoy her would be wise to book a plot in the local cemetary because she was a forceful leader type, strong-willed who took no prisoners and had little or no sense of humour.

"Mother," She called, "I'm going to the woods for a bit"

"Sure, just be back in time for tea dear." her mother responded.

You notice the lack of politeness on Eris' part? No 'please can I go to the woods?" from her!

Eris wandered out of the door and looked about to see if anyone was watching, not that anyone was, they were too busy with other things. I told you she was suspicious. Seeing no-one she dashed forward and turned a corner, looking behind her all the time to make sure she was alone. Satisfied, she solemnly made her way to the woods. She didn't skip or jump like the other 3 youngsters, nothing so exhibitionist. She more sort of slinked quickly in and out of the shadows as a panther does before a kill. She stopped just on the edge of the bright, colourful patch of foliage that was the entrance to the wood. She turned away from the safe wood and looked in the direction of the dangerous Jungle Even though she knew she was alone she took yet another look around. Stealthily she creeped over to the huge door that looked as if it was part of an airlock. She rooted around in the grass at her feet and found a flat piece of copper coloured metal. Smiling, she examined her perfect reflection in it, then expertly slid the metal card into a gap in the seal of the door and tugged at it. It slowly opened without a sound.

"Ah! The Dark Star is here,welcome Madam." drawled a gigantic Grendel as he kneeled at her feet. She made a small evil smile

"Up!" she commanded, "How is the plan going?"

"Well Madam," said the Grendel "except..."

"Except?" Eris whispered, one eyebrow raised.

"A few don't like the plan, no it's that they don't like YOU!" the Grendel replied

"I don't care whether they like me or not as long as they obey me, anything else?"

"Uh yeah" the Grendel stammered, "They don't think a Norn, much less a female should be in charge."

Eris sighed. "How many times? I said I was supposed to be a Grendel but God put me in a Norn's body so that I could Infiltrate the Norn's camp and find their weaknesses. Darkness is the true power, not the Light. The light is weak and always will be understand?"

"They've defeated us up to now. " said another Grendel.

"Oh my clueless friend you really don't get it do you?" Eris said patronizingly, "That was done to make the enemy think that they were invincible. The sooner you believe that, the better. Oh and Garnet?"

The Grendel who had welcomed her stepped forward. "Yes Madam?" he said.

"Next time I come I want to see any disbelievers strung up from that tree over there with barbed wire!" With a great flourish the Norn turned around and walked out of the huge door again.

The Grendels looked at each other apprehensively. They didn't like their current situation but, for all their natural weaponry, not one of them wanted to quarrel with the Norn known only to them as the Dark Star


"And just where have you been young lady?" The intimidating GD Norn who was her father demanded.

"Oh Father, I only went to the woods." The little Norn said in mock nervousness.

"For 5 whole minutes?!" Her father returned, of course 5 minutes was a while to a norn.

"Oh Father." Eris sniffled, her eyes brimming with fake tears, "Don't be angry with me."

"Do you have any idea how worried your mother and I were?" Laird flamed, his tone not softening one bit.

Eris answered him with a huge fake sob that was very convincing.

"Oh Honey, " Rhiannon said, hugging her daughter, "You have to be more gentle with her Darling" she told her mate.

"Well she has to be told my dear," Laird replied, "She has to learn that she cannot stay out 'til all hours and still not apologise for any worry she may have caused anyone."

"But... Do... You.. have to... Bully me so?" Eris said through sobs

"As for you my girl, you are going to tow the line," Laird said turning on her. "You will keep yourself where you can be seen and heard of all hours of the day and night, you will speak only when spoken to and you will obey my orders, Understand?"

"Don't be too hard on her Laird." Rhiannon protested.

"It's alright mother," Eris said while confronting her father, "I was going anyway."

"Going? But you can't!" cried Rhiannon.

"I can't live anywhere with HIM," she hissed savagely, "I need space. Freedom to be myself, so, I'm off. Take care of yourself Mother."

"Eris. You're too young to go off on your own," Rhiannon objected.

"Eris turned to her father."This ship just isn't big enough for both of us is it Father? So I say goodbye,forever." Eris walked calmly out of the treehouse.

"Eris! Come back! Come back!" her mother tried to go after her.

"Eris! Get your tail back here NOW!" yelled her father.

It was too late. Eris the Dark Star had gone.

Authors Notes

::sniff:: We've had heartwarming, this is heartwrenching. This one is my favourite chapter so far. That last bit was inspired by a book called Fox's Feud, one of the Farthing Wood series which I read something like 5 years ago! The other main bit was from a book I'm reading at the moment called Duncton Quest. It's about moles and I dunno, I've often thought doosers looked a lot like moles. In the next chapter I shall develop this a bit more with a few more references to Duncton Quest.

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