In this section I'll have information on Chapter II. It won't be a walkthrough or a tips section like i already have but kinda mixture of both. It's always evpanding, but at a slower rate than tips.
- Here's a tip for winning at least 100000 coins in the casino at a time if you are using a rom.
- Play Cards and win at least something
- When it asks you if you want to try double or nothing save the state
- Play double or nothing
- If you win go back to number II
- If you loose restore the state and go back to number III
- It cuts you off after winning at least 100000 coins
- Whenever you are coming down from the Birdsong Tower on the third floor just drop down the pit you avoided on the way up then you'll be at the stairs down to the first
- Dont' use the Mirror of Ra against Linguar it just waists a turnfor you, but not for him
- Whenever you encounter a Metal Slime and it runs if you want to fight it again roam around in the same area plus a few spaces he's bound to appear again.
- If you have enough coins in the casino to buy a Mirror of Ra, don't. Instead either save up 1500 more coins and buy a Meteorite Armband or leave it in the casino.
- To build up experience fight around until you have enough money to buy the best equipement at each town one buy one don't skip towns. By the time you complete the equipement list at one town you'll be powerful enough for the next town.
- When going through the cave south of Frenor and the Birdsong Tower only get what you came in for and nothing more; come back for the rest of the stuff after you beat Linguar. This way you don't have to leave your course and fight more costly enemies now, and later you have a free ride.
- Here's a was to beat Linguar alot easier if you have an emulator
- Right after Linguar splits save the state
- Choose one to attack
- If you miss restore state and go back to II and try a different one
- If you hit go back to I