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Update 2-5-00 Just put in bout six more quotes in my tips section and another piece in my information section so check it out. Also the poll is there so I know how to make my page better so please fill it out.

Update 2-14-00 Sorry I only got one new quote in the tips section I've been reaaly bogged down.

Emergency Update 2-17-00 I just got a Dragon Warrior Link and am part of a webring on my links section. This page won't be updated over the weekend because I'll be away.

Update 2-27-00 I just put two more quotes on my tips section and decided what the next section will be...Understandings... It will be observations I and others (The ones who email me them) have made. In march It will be up. Also in this section I'll have how to beat the monsters that were POLLED to be hard.


Monthly Update March just added two sections Poll Results and Updates...Please take the poll. I'll try to have the notice section for April.

Update 3-4-00 Just added three links to my links section. Also I'll probably slow down my tips section on the account of "Lack of Quotes"

Update 3-11-00 Only got a logo for a link on because I've been X-Treem-Lee busy.

Update 3-18-00 I just got a DQ4 link and it's Japaneese. Also I'd like to urge you to take my poll. Thx.

Emergency Update 3-29-00 I know I didn't update on the 25-27 and I'm not going to on the 31-3 because I'm busy. I'm not going to add a new section on April because I need some ideas. I am extremely behind on the walkthrough maps so don't expect them any time soon. Guess what...I have a guestbook so go see it. It will probably remain at the bottom of the welcome page.


My computer is now fixed, but I've lost all the Game Genie codes, Save States, and even the Walkthrough Map I was working on. I'll try to get back on it, but I'm back. P. S. Please take my poll or sign my guestbook...PLEASE

Update 4-21-00 I fixed that little bug in my walkthrough and am restarting my walkthrough maps (don't expect them soon). Unlike the originals I was making they don't have the same look of the game :( . I'm also about to get a rom and start beafing up a save state for Chapter II.

Update 4-30-00 I only got another link so check it out...I'm still working on my save states'n'stuff. Also please either sign my guestbook or take my poll.


Update 5-16-00 I haven't updated my page in a while and I'll probably go to a bi-weekly update in my page with a bi-monthly new thing. Also I am going to go static from June 1-August ?? so I'll take off my email and poll, but I'll leave my guestbook up.