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Banjo-Kazooie Review

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PRESENTATION-When you first pop in the game and start a saved game Bottles the mole comes to help you out and teach you the moves but the first thing you will notice is the blurbish way of talking which you will soon get over. So any ways Bottles the mole teaches you the moves and helps you learn how to play the game. Standard for a platformer. But you will notice that the graphics are spectacular which I will tell you about now.GRAPHICS-Great just awesome I cant stress enough to tell you how good the graphics are. The worlds are full of color and realistic weather. Flying across the worlds with kazooie is magical. Waterfalls and rainbows trees and creatures are everywhere to be found in Banjo-Kazooie.GAMEPLAY-Tons of wacky easy to learn moves switches ,eggs feathers,jinjos,honeycombs and jigsaw puzzles.And Bosses, creatures and bad guys and you can turn in to magical creatures like a termite a crocodile a pumpkin (really) a bee and more and theres loads of action and puzzles waiting to keep you occupied for a looooong time.SOUND-The sound is colurful and wacky and the songs set the mood of the game good quality.FINAL RATING-9 and 1/4 out of 10.