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Dead Or Alive 2 Review

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PRESENTATION-When I first played the demo of this game (the same day I got it) I was surprised to see how slow the game was compared to Soul Calibur I almost didn't buy it because of that Which would of been a huge mistake since you soon forgive it at almost every other aspect and pretty soon you will see the speed of this game comes from the combos rather than running.GRAPHICS-Well once you have seen Soul Calibur the graphics are 1 point better but if you have never seen Soul Calibur the graphics are a kick in the face!!!The graphics are literally the best graphics on dreamcast with great and smooth animations, backgrounds that look beautiful and full of color. This game looks like something out of toy story.GAMEPLAY-The gameplay is revolutionary the enviroments are fully interactive get this you can punch someone through a stained glass window in a church and no it is not a ring out you continue your battle outside the church!! this goes for waterfalls, buildings, pits, and others. Now for the fighting it uses the same control inter face as Soul Calibur with punch, kick, guard and something new called reversals where (hence the name) reverses their attack. The special moves combos and reversals are a lot harder to perform then in Soul Calibur but still really cool.SOUND-Nothing spectacular great sound effects cool tunes nothing to rave about.FINAL RATING-9/10 FINAL THOUGHT-This game lacks secrets I suggest you only buy it if you like Soul Calibur and fighting games It's also a great introduction to Fighting games.All Reviews Are Written By Me javelin7 and you can Email Me At: