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Harvest Moon 64 Review

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PRESENTATION-When you play this game for the first time you will think "why am I playing a farming game"? But you will soon forget because you will be so addicted!this game seems a little weird at first but like I said this game will hook you and won't let you go.GRAPHICS-Nice clean cut graphics that aren't bad but not great either nothing to rave about but sets the mood of the game perfectly.GAMEPLAY-I can't stress enough how addictive this game is as I once said "this game is my life away from life".Anyways the game is simple and easy to learn while challenging and fun at the same time it's like a real life simulator but more fun.But be warned there are a lot of glitches in this game.SOUND-No big deal simple but repetitive music that you can stand pretty mediocre.FINAL RATING-9/1O