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Harvest Moon 64 Strategy: The Photos

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Baby delivery - When you get your first kid

Rode a balloon - Be spring festival king

Horse Race championship - Win Horse Race

Swimming Championship - Win Swimming Event

Dog Race championship - Win Dog Race

Completion of Hot Springs-Help the carpenters build the hot springs.

All building extensions- Buy all house extensions.

Sightseeing with 3 girls - Win Cow festival.

Firefly night - If on good terms with Maria, during Firefly festival

Blue Mist flower event-Be good friends with popuri and she will show you a special flower if you water it every day for a while and the go there when it is in full bloom you will get this photo.

Elli picture-During the fall at evening, Ellie and Spring Goddess (must be good terms with Ellie).

Ann picture-On good terms with Ann, during the winter, she takes you to see an animal.

Keifu Fairy Dance - During fall evening, if the tree is revived, Karen takes you to the vineyard (must be good terms with Karen).

Party with Everyone - If you are friends with everyone, married, house has all extensions, have a kid, then there will be a party at your farm.