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Sonic Adventure-Review

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PRESENTATION-When I first played this game at electronics boutique my exact words were....woah.Right then I decided to buy a dreamcast this game is truly magical.GRAPHICS-Well now let me tell you about the graphics they are FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!You could almost drink the water in this game and I don't mean just pretty backgrounds characters and cutscenes themselves have smooth fluid animations and the bosses are big and fast too just about every thing but a few glitches is perfect.GAMEPLAY-The gameplay is as good as the graphics fast paced (and I mean fast paced) action is waiting for you at every corner you have to play this game to believe some of the things you can do and the control is exellent but there is a problem the game seems to have a preset course the whole way the same things happen every time which makes it a little repetitive at times.SOUND-Awesome music I mean really great and with the neat sound effects you might be going to the music and sound effects options more than you think. FINAL RATING-This game is really fantastic but not perfect so I give It a nine out of ten.9/10 FINAL THOUGHT-I left out a lot on this game because it is so big so definetely rent and/or buy this game it's worth it.All Reviews Are Written By Me javelin7 and you can Email Me At: