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Soul Calibur Codes

Alternate costumes Press Y when choosing a character at the character selection screen.

Unlock all characters. Remove the Profile window at the Character Profile screen. Press A + B + X + Y to reset the game. Press X + Start at the demo. Return to the Character Profile screen.

Copy Save Game File To copy the save game file for Soul Calibur from the original VMU to another, boot the game with the save you want copied and then enter a battle with any character. When the battle begins pause and then swap the original VMU with the destination VMU and then quit out from the pause menu. Upon quitting a new save will be written to the same VMU slot with the original intact on the original VMU. This may work with many games as SEGA made VMU's hot-swappable.

Exhibition Mode Obtain all pictures in the first collection in the Museum to unlock this mode which allows you to see each characters' kata.

Extra Survival Mode Obtain all pictures in the second collection in the Museum to unlock this mode which allows you to play an alternative type of survival mode.

Fight as Inferno Unlock all hidden characters and successfully complete Arcade mode using Xianguha’s third costume (the third costume is a bonus revealed after purchasing an Art Card in Mission Battle mode).

Hovering (glitch) This is a glitch, but to hover you must go to practice mode.

1. Select Cervantes

2. Kilik as CPU

3. Use Cervantes catch move (upper cut him and press down and Y---doesn't apply if you change controller settings)

4. Right before Kilik hits the ground, pause the game.

5. Go to instant replay.

6. As Cervantes finishes his move, press start to return to normal fighting sequence.

7. When you return to the fight, Kilik will be in the air flying and you can...CAN.....control him.

Metallic characters Purchase the Art Card that unlocks “Metal Model Mode” in Mission Battle mode. Then hold R while choosing a character at the character selection screen.

Move Camera When viewing the replay after a fight, press the (B) button to switch which character the game camera is focusing on. You can then pan around and zoom in or out on the character that just lost.

New title screens Successfully complete all missions in Mission Battle mode for the gold title screen. Unlock Inferno and purchase all 338 Art Cards for the monochrome title screen.

Opening Direction Mode Obtain all pictures in the third collection in the Museum to unlock this mode which allows you to edit the introduction sequence.

Remove window on Character Profile screen Press A + B at the Character Profile screen. Secret Dojo Mission On the mission select screen, go to the eastern most map. Move your pointer over the Korea area. When you pass over the secret mission, you will hear the "zip" noise you hear when you pass over any other mission; you will not be able to see it when you land on the location.

There are 5 missions in this location. Each stage has a random combination of conditions from the previous missions.

Secret Swamp Mission On the mission select screen, go to the western most map. Move your pointer over the middle of the upper right area of the screen (somewhere around Poland). When you pass over the secret mission, you will hear the "zip" noise you hear when you pass over any other mission; you will not be able to see it when you land on the location.

There are 2 missions in this location. Each stage has a random combination of conditions from the previous missions.

Select weapon Unlock Edge Master and successfully complete all missions in Mission Battle mode. Then press L at the character selection to select a weapon.

Weapon Push L

1P weapon x0 (default)

2P weapon x1

Edge Master’s weapon x2

Slow and Fast Replay To slow down the action during replay simply hold Left trigger. To speed it up, hold right trigger.

Note: if the camera is moving while either trigger is held, it will stay in motion until trigger is released. This is best displayed in practice mode.