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Zelda 64 Review

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PRESENTATION-When you first play this game after all the hype the controls seem a little weird but trust me the hype is very much true.An exellent cut scene starts the game and helpful kokiri elves help you learn fast. So the beggining is not what you expect but still good.GRAPHICS-The Graphics are great with awesome shading and great effects.Also the cut scenes are magnifecent with great color and beautiful backgrounds. This game is the best of the best.GAMEPLAY-Sprawling is the way to describe this game.This game is HUGE the quests are challenging and fun. And the dungeons are full of brain busting puzzles and action packed battles.Huge was a under statement you need to own this game to believe it.SOUND-I'll make this brief you hear every chink,clunk, caw, woof,etc.The sound quality is great and the songs are beautiful And interactive for that matter you can play your ocarina and make up little songs.FINAL RATING-9/1/2 OUT OF 10.(9 And a half out out of ten)