Greetings....Here are the Rules & Protocols for playing Darth's Trivia plus a partial list of the sources I use in the game



1) This game is for fun...remember, it is *only* a game

2) Please keep all comments to Personal Messages (PM’s)

3) If you have questions during game, please PM nzdonna or one of the scorers

4)  To answer a question, wait until after the question is asked and you see "POST LETTER NOW" and then enter a letter or number and wait for Darth to say "GA" (Go Ahead) to you

5) There is a 10-second time limit to post your letter or number. Players will be called on to answer a question in one of two ways - either (1) First to post a letter or number on the board...or...(2) In a random order, determined by Darth. A maximum of 5 players will be called on to answer any one question. If the question is not answered, the correct answer will be posted by Darth

6) All are welcome to play or watch, however Darth has the right to disallow or disqualify a player if, in his opinion, that player’s actions or behavior is disruptive in any way. Darth also has the right to ban any player from playing the game for any reason he sees fit

7) Points are awarded as follows: (plus) +1 point for correct answer and (minus) -1 point for incorrect answer

8) There may be "Bonus" questions where additional points are awarded and/or subtracted. These will be announced prior to the question

9) There will be a five-minute break at halftime while the halftime scores are posted

10) Please wait after the game until the Scorer announces the scores, in case there is a tie

11) In the event of a tie for first place, there will be a tie-breaking question(s) for those contestants

12) In the event of a dispute between a player’s source and Darth’s, the one used by Darth will prevail



* PLEASE NOTE: Anyone disrupting the game in any manner may be muted, booted, and/or banned. Darth may also take this action for any reason he sees fit.

* PLEASE NOTE: Colors, macros, avatars, sounds, and "popups" are banned in the Trivia Room at all times. We appreciate you not using them. Thank you

* PLEASE: No "open chat" during the game. Please do not post ANY comments on the board. The scorers, the Q poster, and the Players are trying to concentrate. When you post a comment, it is VERY distracting. Thank you for your cooperation

* When a player wins a regular Darth’s Trivia game, he/she is not eligible to play in the succeeding game. This rule is intended to "open up" the games to more winners.

* "Topical Trivia" games are held on the last Thursday of each month. These games are dedicated to a single subject, or a "Group" of subjects, (i.e., History, Geography, TV/Movies, Science, etc.) and are open to all players

* "Khaos Trivia" games are held on the last Monday of each month. There will be no "official scorer" for these games, and players are allowed to chat and/or comment on the board during a game. At the end of a Khaos game the players will vote, in PM, for whom they consider to have "won" a Khaos game

* All winners of Darth’s Trivia games will receive a certificate acknowledging their "mental superiority" over their peers for that game

* In the event of a dispute between our sources and yours, our sources will prevail

* Any player in the game, with a question as to the rules or other part of Darth’s Trivia, should send a Personal Message (PM) to one of the scorers

* We do not deduct for spelling. I will accept the answer if it was spelled close enough that I understand the answer. I will also accept an answer if it was (1) answered in a way the player interpreted the question, or (2) a "layman" (i.e., non-expert) would understand the answer and accept it

* All the Questions & Answers are researched, written, edited and posted by Darth. No one else (including members of the Trivia Team) see the Questions before they are posted on the board during the game

* We welcome submissions of Questions/Answers and/or Riddles by all of our players. You must include your source when submitting these, so they can be verified. And, obviously, you are not allowed to answer your own Questions or Riddles. Submit them to for consideration

* Darth's Trivia is not a "static" game - it is constantly evolving and changing to provide the players with what they want. Thus, we occasionally change the existing rules or adopt new ones. Please give us your opinions on any game-related matter.



"The Mensa Genius Quiz Book", Marvin Grosswirth & Dr. Abbie F. Salny;

"Match Wits With Mensa", Marvin Grosswirth; Dr. Abbie F. Salney; & Members of American Mensa, Ltd.;

"History of the World", J.M. Roberts;

"The New York Public Library Desk Reference" (2nd edit);

"The Cambridge FactFinder", David Crystal;

"New York Times 2000 World Almanac and Book of Facts", World Almanac Books;

"New York Times 2001 World Almanac and Book of Facts",World Almanac Books

"American Usage and Style" (The Consensus), Roy H. Copperud;

"Words Into Type" (3rd Edition);

"Movie & Video Guide", Leonard Maltin (various editions);

"2201 Fascinating Facts", David Louis;

"Knowledge in a Nutshell", Charles Reichblum;

"In Search of Trivia", Jeff Rovin;

"Wide World Atlas", Reader’s Digest;

"Road Atlas", Rand-McNally;

"Family Word Finder", Reader’s Digest;

"So You Think You’re Good at Trivia", Patrick Downs and Debra Weiss;

"The 21st Century Webster's Family Encyclopedia", revised edition, Trident Press;

"Another Big Book of American Trivia", J. Stephen Lang;

"American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language", (3rd edition);

"American Heritage College Dictionary", (3rd edition);

"Isaac Asimov’s Super Quiz" (newspaper column);

"History of the World Today" (newspaper column);

Personal Library of Bill Richmond

New Mexico Public Libraries; personal correspondence; news magazines and newspapers; computer trade periodicals; and various Web sites
