Orc Hand Of Ra'Kur In The Army Of Ra'Kur
Real Life Info:
Hello.  My name is Alicha and i play Freedom.  I am 22 and live in south carolina.  I like to read (whatever I can get my hands on) and write (though its not very
good).  I also like to play volleyball and watch football (go Cowboys!).  I have a small child, 'Hurricane' Alex, as I fondly think of him.  I have been playing the df games for almost 2 years, though I've only been on dfc for about 7 months.
Game Info:
Freedom is very passionate about what she does.  She is a healer through and through.  She is always willing to help, no matter what the circumstance.  She
loves her guild dearly and her husband, Hexxon, with all her heart.  Freedom was born to assist, and that is all she ever wants to do.
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