Gnoll Huntress
OverLord In Army Of Ra'Kur
2nd in Command of Nu'Ga'Tol
Real Life Info:
Hi hi! My name is DeAnna, I am from Atlanta GA.. OK, well around Atlanta, anyway. I am 20 years old.  Besides playing DFC, I help my dad run our art business. (he's an artist). Trying to get things back to "normal"... after the death of my mom.
Game Backround
I first came to DFC way back when, when it was first introduced to the public, I think. I first made a character in evil.. BORING, same old thing... So then I said I'd try Good realm... well, the background colors made it impossible for me to read. I couldn't imagine myself as an "it" in Chaos, so I really never tried that out any. :p So I put DFC on ice and played DF on AOL more. A friend of mine from DF1 talked me to into playing Chaos.. and the rest is history. <g> Mmmm... well I suppose that's all of the details about me. Other than being a silly nilly, I am pretty dull. <g>  
Character Info:
Marital Status - Single
Hobbies - Inflicting pain on all of her foes. She especially enjoys using them as target practice. (Bullseye!) She also finds enjoyment in being the towns Silly Nilly! (I tolded you! ~ inside joke)
Favorite Pet - Frostie.
You see a giant arctic wolf.
Thick bluish white fur covers this gigantic canine with sabretooth fangs growing from its upper jaws. The giant arctic wolf rarely employs its frosty breath weapon to hunt, prefering to use its massive claws.
Current Status - She is currently mastering her skills as an archer. She looks to the great Arcades (Hempers!) for inspiration. ::kneels before her master::
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