Gnoll Huntress OverLord In The Army Of Ra'Kur
Real Life Info:
~ sings a line from Lenny Kravitz ~ I'm old enough to see behind me, but young enough to feel my soul. ~ smirks ~ Never ask a Lady her Age ;) But if you must know I'm 20. You want more info? Just Go Look at Cinnamon's page :P I plan on attending College, in fall semester.
Game Info:
I played on GS a year n a half. I had two skeletons named Star and Serenity. Serenity made elder. I also had an orc named Petals and a wolf named Cleo. They never got very high but I had fun playing. Was checking out realms and leveled up Cinnamon and loved chaos so it where I will reside. One day as I was playing I stumbled upon someone who kinda put a dent in my game playing before reset on GS. Desperato the well known imp, Not to mention he also had a very bad necro >:[ I talked to him n gave him a piece of my mind lol. He said he was sorry, but that's how the game goes :P
So anyways, I suicided Cinnamon cuz I was bored of my lizard and just other crap :P I know alot of people were whispering all sorts of things behind my back like "who is she? how did she get to 16 so fast?"
Well to answer your questions, I'm Cinnamon or known as Star/Serenity from DF1 and I got to 16 so fast because I live on the computer and have no life ;P lol. Well Desperato helped me tooo. :)
Kismet's Info:
Gnolls are said to have the characteristics of hyenas. Kismet's fur is a deep brown color with highlights of crimson red from the blood of her kills slaughtered. Her eyes glow a light violet color shimmering with magic she uses to better her hunting skills. Through her thick fur you can tell her muscles are well defined from chasing down her prey and always drawing her bow back roughly to ensure her arrows will pierce her enemies harshly.
Kismet spends alot of her time in Greater Wailing Woods trying To Get Con Money! LOL When hunting in GWW becomes tedious,
I'll live on the edge and go to VF ~shudders~ I don't like it when the bats hit me for 111 damage lol. But if I die Desperato will drag me and if he's too hurt, Usually my homies Kamina & Maendoza are there to drag my ass to the hut ~laughs~
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