Ogre Chaos Wizard In The Army Of Ra'Kur
Irl Info
Hmmm I'm actually boring as hell but here it goes...My real name is Joe, I'm 31 years old, engaged to be married, and I live in a suburb about 15 miles east of Pittsburgh. I love to read, mainly fantasy books (Robert Howard, Robert Jordan, and Tolkein being my favorites), but I also enjoy Lovecraft. I work as an household appliance technician (I deliver refrigerators ;P), and when I'm not carrying refrigerators, I'm playing DFC.
Backround DF Info
I played DF1 on AOL for a while, first as a vampire named Revelation, then later as a wolf named Coachwhip, but left when the bills got outta hand lol. On GS DF, I was also Revelation, then stopped playin him and made a zombie named Flak. Came to DFC about a year ago, with a necro in evil, cided and made a small paladin, then cided again and came to Chaos, which is where I'll stay. I currently play Ryot, a level 44 ogre, Flak (again ;)), a level 29 troll, and Revelation (also, again;P), a level 17 gnoll.
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