Troll Warlord In Army Of Ra'Kur
Real Life Info:
My real name is Joe, I Live in Dayton, Ohio. Im 26 now and will be 27 on Feb 14. I am a junior in college learning to be an electronic engineer. I'm currently taking this semister off to look for a full time job and take classes at night (i need some cash heh)  =)
I rent a house with Rage the gnoll and Pelath the ogre.
My fav band would have to be Iron maiden. I listen to a lot of Misfits/Danzig/Samhein, Megadeth, Weezer, James addiction, NIN, Ministry etc. I like some country and rap but not a lot of it heh, and like techo dance music a lot too.
I like to ski, rollerblade, drink =) used to play lacrosse, D&D.
Game Info:
Started DF1 last year on GS after i got sick of playing battletech hehe, played for about 5 months as a wolfy named Tiamatt who was 30 when i cided him to come here. Started a troll cause I thought they would rock (oops) but i have fun playing Tiamat :) I was the second CM of troll guild after Vagabond. And started playing soon after beta was over. I've played Chaos and only Chaos, I had a kobold named Ethereal lvl 9 but they weakend flex and gave chain armor to trolls, so i went back to tia and continued with him :)
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