Troll Warlord In The Army Of Ra'Kur
Real Life Info:
my name is duy (do-we), i live in garden grove, southern california.  im 18. im still going to school, i dropped out for awhile and trying to make it back up. i do a lot of things, but i love tweak the most :)  i love to kick it and rave, PLUR oh yeah.
Game Info:
i first started to play df1 on aol. beta tested it. then moved to df on gs. started as Arnak the wolf.  then made an imp called Blight. went on a mass pking cuz i was bored of the game at lvl 28. made a pking wolf, Draknor.  which annoyed a lot of people. i quit for awhile, then beta tested dfc. quit. then made tweak up one day n decided to level him up! so here i am, lvl 35+ and dayam i cant stop lovin the chaos ladies MMM YUM =)  *wink*wink*

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