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~Action Skills

Name_____ Jp_____ Description

-Potion_______30__ Restore 30 HP

-Hi-Potion____200__ Restores 70 HP

-X-Potion_____300__ Restores 150 HP

-Ether________300__ Restores 20 MP

-Hi-Ether_____400__ Restores 50 MP

-Elixir_______900__ Fully restores HP and MP

-Antidote_____70__ Cures Poison

-Eye Drop_____80__ Cures Darkness

-Echo Grass___120__ Cures Silence

-Maiden's Kiss_200__ Cures Frog

-Soft__________250__ Cures Petrify

-Holy Water____400__ Restores life to undead

-Remedy________700__ Cures many types of abnormal status

-Phoenix Down__90__ Revives dead units

~Reaction Skills

Name_____ Jp_____ Description

-Auto Potion___ 400 Use lowest available potion when attacked

~Support Skills

Name_____ Jp_____ Description

-Throw Item____350__ Ability to throw item, even if not a chemist

-Maintenance___250__ Equipped items are immune to break techniques

-Equip Change___00 Change equipment even in battle

~Movement Skills

Name_____ Jp_____ Description

-Move-Find Item___100 Find any hidden items at your destination

"Total Jp to Master: 5140 Jp"
