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Tricks of the Trade

  • 30 Lives
    Let's start with the most well-known trick in Contra, and one of the most well-known codes of all time. Most NES players know all about this one, during the time the title screen is scrolling to the left during the opening to Contra, press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A and then start. For many years I thought the code was u,u,d,d,l,r,l,r,B,A,B,A,start, but it actually needs only one B and A to work. Using it my way will still work though. This is a code I never even consider using anymore, and I would suggest to any player not to use this code, or beat the game using this code first and then work your way up to beating the game legitimately, it's so much greater that way.

  • Using the Second Controller
    You can actually use the 2nd controller and the first controller to manipulate the character in a 1P game, and both controllers can be used simultaneously. This has no real uses for me, but it can help you if you hate the base stages, you can stay ducked by holding down on one controller while pressing up and firing on another controller, this will make it to where you can hit the targets without being in the line of enemy fire. The only things that can still hurt you are the enemies that throw dynamite and the barrels that roll at you.

  • Boss Strategies
    A few tips to help you beat the bosses, and destroy them as easily as possible.

    The thing to remember when facing the first boss is to take out the sniper on top of the base first. After that you've got it made, just stay back, on the middle ledge and fire away at the turrets, then take out the main target.

    When the second level boss is coming up, jump directly to the left side of the screen, just past the center of the left-most turret is a safe spot, stand there and shoot upward, taking that one out. Make your way to the right, taking out the other 2 turrets, this can be a pain without the scatter gun, but it's manageable. After that, take out the main target and get ready for the boss coming up. A strange looking circle will appear in the top part of the wall, moving back and forth while it shoots large projectiles at you. Make sure to dodge its fire, while shooting upwards at it, and you've beaten level 2.

    On the level 3 boss, first move directly under the left arm (which would be his right arm) and fire straight up, try and stay under his hand, that's your target, quickly move to the right arm after you destroy the left one and do the same thing, once it is destroyed, you're in the clear, stand just barely off to the left of the center and fire straight up, hitting his mouth. This strategy will work no matter what gun you have, you just have to make sure not to get hit by the slow-moving projectiles his arms shoot out periodically.

    Level 4. Similar to the level 2 boss, but a lot tougher. You'll see 4 targets to take out before you face the true boss, as Red Falcons henchmen come out and shoot at you. First a squad of 4 gunmen, then 4 guys with wings jump down at you, switching back and forth. Kill them before they get a chance to attack, and shoot the targets in between. When all of the targets are gone, two heads appear at the top, reminiscent of the transformers logo, and split into 4 and then back again to 2 while shooting erratic bubbles at you. These bubbles are a big nuisance for first time players, shoot the ones you can and dodge the others by ducking and jumping. You can only damage the 2 transformer heads when they come together briefly. Get your hits in while you can is all I can say. After some practice, you should have these guys' pattern down.

    Level 5's boss is a disgrace, just get directly under it when it appears and fire away, as fast as possible. If you for some reason don't kill it as soon as it appears, jump it's projectiles which move along the ground and get under it when it appears again and repeat.

    More noteworthy enemies in level 5 are the tanks with spikes along the front. Many people are frustrated by these, and say they are not possible to beat without the spread gun. This is not true! I've beaten them many times without my spread gun, using just an ordinary gun, and no turbo controller. First of all, you need to find the right stance. Go all the way to the left and turn around, without walking too much to the right as you turn, and do it all very quickly before the tank gets into position. Then fire away with as much speed as possible, and you should destroy the tanks with time to spare. This may take a little practice, try and have a spread gun with you when you get to these guys.

    The level 6 boss I like to refer to as the male-cheerleader cyborg. At first glance he looks like a pretty bad mutha fucka, with a cool looking helmet and spikes on his shoulders. But then you notice the way he walks, you'll think he's a fruit. Then he jumps up and down, this is where I get the "male cheerleader" part, serving no real purpose but to laugh at. As soon as the screen starts scrolling over to him, start blasting away. Jump the small discs he rolls along the ground, they move pretty fast. Then when he starts walking toward you, jump over him. It may be difficult at first but is vital to beating him, and not hard to learn. When you land, turn around and blast him again, and jump up and try to pick him off in the air as he leaps. You'll beat him in no time following this pattern.

    The level 5 boss is like Mike Tyson compared to the pathetic excuse for a boss in level 7. Forget the turrets along the bottom and head straight to the wall. While walking into it, shoot diagonally towards the main target. After a few quick pumps of the B button, the wall explodes, leaving only one thing to be conquered, the final level.

    The level 8 boss doesn't actually do anything, but it has a lot of little shrimp-like enemies that do. First of all, make sure to take out the eye-ball on the bottom part of the screen, failure to do this quickly basically means you're toast. Next, walk up as far right as you can and proceed to do the same as in level 7. When the shrimp come out of thier 4 hiding spaces, back up quickly and destroy any of them that are headed for you, while dodging the others. Walk back up to the heart and blast it again, and repeat. Blam! Consider yourself a hero!

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