The hangar, source of nightmares for many Contra gamers. Personally I don't see what the hub-bub is about, this level isn't much harder than the last 2 and is very fun.
Remember to get this barrier, and you may want to jump on the cart depicted in the second picture and jump up to the above platform, it brings you to a much easier alternative route.
Blow out the spiked walls to advance. There is one wall that you can jump on top of as it comes up if you're feeling like a hotshot, but it can be risky. Probably the #1 source of my deaths nowadays, as I hardly ever lose a life but often try to jump on the wall.
This part's kind of tough, I remember having trouble here when I first started playing. You have one of 2 options, the first: advance forward, one space at a time, avoiding the spike crushers, until the wall comes up and then move backward behind the spikes, turn around and start blasting, the second: start blasting the wall down when it pops up, moving one space at a time, it should be down by the time you reach it if you have a fast thumb.
To beat this pathetic boss get in the position I am in above and fire away. Occasionally you'll have to move to avoid the fire from the bottom turrets, and sometimes enemies will come out from the base or the other side of the screen.