asdfI was at signature school, and there was something wrong with my schedule. I kept getting confused about which class I was supposed to go to next. One time I climbed three flights of stairs only to discover that I’d arrived at the wrong class. I re-entered the stairwell only to find that the air inside was hot and steamy, as if it were a boiler room. All the stairs had been reshaped into contorted pipes that didn’t seem to run from one place to another and shot huge jets of steam that I knew would boil me alive if I touched. I had to precariously jump from pipe to pipe down three flights of stairs, often timing my jumps to be when there was no steam coming from a pipe; the steam seemed to start and stop at regular intervals.

asdf Eventually I reached my third period class, German, which was taught by my current precalc teacher. Afterwards, I proceeded to sixth period, which also happened to be German, except it was at Harrison, and I didn’t like it at all. It was a really stupid and boring class, so I left and went to the class next door, which was somehow a class at signature school. This class was also German, but it was taught by a French teacher. I sat in back between two people I had seen before but didn’t really recognize. They were obviously wondering what I was doing there, and I couldn’t really tell them. The teacher kept glancing at me, but said nothing. My face turned a deep shade of red and I was embarrassed.
asdf After this second German class ended, I resolved to get my schedule changed, but it wouldn’t be that day. I left class, and the next thing I knew I was being let out of the car in the middle of Green River Road near Target wearing a Santa suit. I quickly jogged to the median, and glanced over to my left. On the left side of the road I saw a teacher from signature school, who was also wearing a Santa suit, except his was brown. He was running in the direction of my house, and I knew that I had to race him home and win. Funky music started to play, kind of like the music from that old SNES game Maximum Carnage. I frantically tried to cross the oncoming traffic in the left lane, but there were too many cars. I kept trying, and eventually I did, but by the time I had made it, he was already passing Books-A-Million, and had a huge head start. I started to run fast to catch up. He rounded the corner by that bank, and I was pretty close behind him. I knew I would catch him soon, but after I turned the corner as well, I saw him coming straight at me!
asdf He metamorphosed into a giant stick-figure monster. He resembled Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas, except he was two-dimensional. I, terrified, ran in terror. I stopped briefly to yell to him that this was all just a game and that I was really sorry, but started running again when he didn’t acknowledge me. He caught me a little beyond Books-A-Million (we were traveling in the direction of Target, not my house) and grabbed each one of my limbs with a stick-arm. He raised me above his head and opened his massive stick-jaws wide. His mouth was as blank and white as the rest of his body. He lowered me slowly head-first towards his open mouth, and I knew he was about to bite my head off.
asdf At the last second, however, someone (this person I knew as a friend; I think it might be Will) distracted him somehow (could have been by kicking him) and he dropped me hard on the pavement. I started frantically running towards Target, hoping to find refuge inside. Will was faster than me (not encumbered by the Santa suit, and just plain faster), so he was able to nimbly dance away from the angry monster while it took swipes at him. He made it to the shops and started to make his way towards Target.
asdf When I arrived at Target, I couldn’t go inside. I don’t know why; I was just unable. I did, however, find this device that looked like a big laser gun. When you held down the trigger and talked into one end, out of the other end would come the words you had just spoken, much louder, and spoken as if a machine had said them (download willowtalk from to see what I mean). I tried to talk sense into the monster using it (“Please stop chasing me and trying to bite my head off” à “Puh-leez stope chay-sing meand try-ing to bite myhead of”). It didn’t work. The monster caught me and once again restrained my appendages with his own. He raised me above his head again, and his giant jaws slid open. He lowered me slowly towards his mouth until - at the last second - Will kicked him again. This time he didn’t let go completely, but my arms were temporarily freed. I pulled out a box-cutting knife from nowhere and chopped the monster’s head off. It let out a mighty scream and crumpled. Its body shrank until it was about the size of a dinner plate. I picked it up and the next thing I knew I was home.
asdf I took the body into my bathroom and set it down on the sink, then went to get some matches. I somehow knew that I had to burn the body or the monster would return to kill me. My dad was watching TV in the room adjacent the one we keep the matches in, and the door between them was open. I very, very carefully and quietly got the matches and made my way to the bathroom. To my dismay, I found that the body was lying in a puddle of water. Undeterred, I tried to burn it anyway. Matches kept going out when I touched the water, but I kept trying until I heard my dad’s footsteps approaching. I hid the matches (but not the body, for some reason) and ran from the room. My dad used the bathroom. When he came out he didn’t look at me or say anything to me.
asdf I went back in the bathroom and quickly located the body. There was less water around it now. I couldn’t figure out why, but I didn’t really care. I struck a match and held it to one of the stick-figure legs. It burned. All of it burned. When it was finally over, all that was left was a pile of soggy ashes. I woke up.