September 9, 2001 8:31 PM

          Its Sunday.  But its not a really bad Sunday.  Usually I have so much homework to do on Sundays.  ISTEP saved me today.  I can just relax and play Starcraft all I want.  It’s great. 

September 10, 2001 3:10 PM

          Hooray school is over for today.  I always get on the computer right after school, then after about an hour or so I go take a nap.  I check lots of websites and stuff and it’s fun.  I don’t really feel like writing so I guess I’ll go take a nap now.

September 11, 2001 4:02 PM

          Wow… I’m really shaken up.  I got word of the incident about 15 minutes after it happened.  It was right after my first ISTEP test was finished.  A science teacher came into the room and said something like “Turn on the TV.  America is under attack,” and we all thought he was kidding.  Turns out he wasn’t.  We turned on the TV at about 9, just as the second plane was hitting the other tower.  I didn’t have any details at first and didn’t really pay attention until after the second test.  I had ISTEP on my mind and I was pretty tired anyway.  This is really terrible.  I really want to know who’s behind this.  Argh.  It really makes me sad that anyone would do this.  Didn’t they have better things to do with their lives?  I’ve never understood suicide bombers.  How can you believe in something that makes you want to kill others so strongly that you’ll give your own life to do it?  And even worse than that – how could someone train another person to do that?  Who would mislead a fellow human being that badly?  It’s really, really sad.

          News is still getting around.  My friends and I are talking about it a lot.  We share stories and speculate about what could have happened and who these terrorists could have been.  The funny thing is, most of my friends are more shaken up than I am.  Especially the girls.  I know some girls that are saying this is worse than Pearl Harbor and even some that thought it was the Rapture.  Wow.  This doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to Pearl Harbor.  Oh sure, they were both pretty one sided surprise attacks on the United States, but with Pearl Harbor, we knew exactly who did it.  We knew who the enemy was and we knew where and how to defeat him.  With this, however, we aren’t sure who did it, although we may become sure at some point in the future.  But I’d be really surprised if we got into a war over this.  Who would we fight?  The terrorists aren’t a country.

          Of course, security is going crazy everywhere.  I guess its necessary, but it almost seems not to be.  Terrorists aren’t that stupid.  They would anticipate a steep increase in security right after something like this, so they probably wouldn’t try anything else for a while. 

          I’m reading a lot of online forums in which people are talking about this a lot.  They have some interesting opinions, most of which I don’t share.  I’m seeing a lot of people say they’ll fight the people that did this and we should bomb them all to hell.  “My country right or wrong” I’ve heard it called.  That’s not really good.  Patriotism isn’t a bad thing, but you have to remember that your country CAN be wrong.  Bush might make some really bad decisions.  I think people need to see beyond their anger and need for revenge.  We need to be calm and clear headed in a time like this.  Or something.  I don’t know.  Nothing I really do or say will have any effect on what happens anyway so I guess I’ll just talk about something else. 

          I get to play Starcraft a lot this week.  It’s awesome.  I’ve got like no homework at all and I’m a happy person.  Next week is going to be no fun, though.  I have so much stuff due and so many tests.  I’d bet that I’ll be up until 1 at least one time next week.  Hooray.  That would make 3 times this year.  And its still the first grading period.  Ack.