This file copyright (c) 2000 by John Nickerson All saved games in any given world are at the same location. ------------------------GENERAL------------------------ Byte 3: Current Age 0 = Selenitic 1 = Stoneship 2 = Myst 3 = Mechanical 4 = Channelwood 6 = Dunny 7 = Myst Dock 8 = End credits 9 = Sirrus ending 10 = Achenar ending Byte 5: Current held page 0 = none 1 = Myst blue 1 2 = Selenitic blue 3 = Mechanical blue 4 = Stoneship blue 5 = Channelwood blue 6 = Myst blue 2 7 = Myst red 1 8 = Selenitic red 9 = Mechanical red 10 = Stoneship red 11 = Channelwood red 12 = Myst red 2 13 = the white page Byte 9: Transitions (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 11: Zip mode (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 13: Red pages (0 = not delivered, 1 = delivered) Bit 4: Channelwood Bit 5: Stoneship Bit 6: Mechanical Bit 7: Selenitic Bit 8: Myst Library 1 Byte 15: Blue pages ------------------------MYST------------------------ Byte 17: Boiler marker switch ( off = 0, on = 1 ) Byte 18: Clock marker switch Byte 19: Dock marker switch Byte 20: Ship model marker switch Byte 21: Giant cog marker switch Byte 22: Powerhouse marker switch Byte 23: Planetarium marker switch Byte 24: Rocket marker switch Byte 25: Atrus video number (0..1) Byte 27: Ship puzzle ( solved = 1, unsolved = 0 ) Byte 29: Boiler valve (0..25) Byte 31: Clock hour hand Byte 33: Clock minute hand Byte 35: Clock puzzle Byte 37: Clock bridge ( up = 1, down = 0 ) Byte 39: Breaker switch thrown 0 = none 1 = generator 2 = rocket Byte 41: Generators currently on (binary) (carries to byte 42) Byte 43: Power to rocket Byte 44: Library mode ( 0 = normal, 1 = tower ) Byte 47: Dimensional imager code Byte 49: Dimensional imager (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 58: Tower rotation in degrees (carries to 59) Byte 61: Constellation buttons (binary) (32h) Bit 1: Bird Bit 2: Anchor Bit 3: Spider * Bit 4: Snake * Bit 5: Eye Bit 6: Arrow Bit 7: Maple leaf * Bit 8: Cross Byte 63: Boiler (0 = off, 1 = lit) Byte 65: Observatory day Byte 67: Observatory lights (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 69: Observatory month Byte 71: Observatory time Byte 73: Observatory year Byte 75: Observatory day? | These correspond to the other Byte 77: Observatory month? | observatory records, but don't Byte 79: Observatory time? | seem to have any effect when Byte 81: Observatory year? | changed by themselves Byte 83: Safe combination (carries to 84) (D4 02) Byte 85: Tree lift level (0..12) Byte 91: Rocket sound slide 1 (carries to 92) (05 01) Byte 93: Rocket slide 2 (carries to 94) (F0 00) Byte 95: Rocket slide 3 (EB 00) Byte 97: Rocket slide 4 (FD 00) Byte 99: Rocket slide 5 (0A 01) Byte 101: Observatory month slide Byte 103: Observatory day slide ------------------------CHANNELWOOD------------------------ Byte 109: Bridge (0 = down, 1 = up) Byte 111: Door at bottom of stairs (0 = closed, 1 = open) Byte 112: Pipe (0 = retracted, 1 = extended) Byte 113: Valves (binary) Byte 115: Video for Achenar's "toy" (0..3) Byte 117: Door at top of stairs ------------------------MECHANICAL------------------------ Byte 118: Chest in Achenar's room (0 = closed, 1 = open) Byte 124: Steps at lift (0 = up, 1 = down) Byte 126: Lift rotation (04) Byte 128: Pedestal code part 1 (02) Byte 130: Pedestal code part 2 (08) Byte 132: Pedestal code part 3 (05) Byte 134: Pedestal code part 4 (01) ------------------------SELENITIC------------------------ Byte 136: Water microphone (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 137: Fissure microphone Byte 138: Clock microphone Byte 139: Stone forest microphone Byte 140: Tunnel microphone Byte 141: Main antenna control panel (0 = closed, 1 = open) Byte 142: Tunnel light (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 145: Water main antenna (carries to 146) (FE 05) Byte 147: Fissure antenna (17 05) Byte 149: Clock antenna (2C 02) Byte 151: Stone forest antenna (96 00) Byte 153: Tunnel antenna (4A 08) Byte 155: Door slide 1 (42h) 0 = Tunnel 66 = Stone forest 78 = Fissure 90 = Clock 119 = Water (other accepted values are 18, 30, 42, 54, 102) Byte 157: Door slide 2 (77h) Byte 159: Door slide 3 (00h) Byte 161: Door slide 4 (4Eh) Byte 163: Door slide 5 (5Ah) ------------------------STONESHIP------------------------ Byte 165: Door1 (0 = closed, 1 = open) Byte 166: Door2 Byte 168: Pumps (binary) (only works with 1 at a time) Bit 6: Lighthouse Bit 7: Bedrooms Bit 8: Ship stairwell Byte 170: Lighthouse trapdoor (2 = locked, 1 = open, 0 = closed) Byte 172: Chest (0 = empty, 1 = full) Byte 174: Chest valve (0 = closed, 1 = open) Byte 178: Key from chest (0 = not held, 1 = held, 2 = used) Byte 180 to 182: Current power Byte 184: Power (0 = off, 1 = on) Byte 186 to 188: Max power