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Highland Tactical Gaming and Supply offers many high quality products for your airsofting and paintball needs.

Brass Eagle® Masks and Products

H.T.G.S offers a full line of Brass Eagle® Products.

ALL BRASS EAGLE® eye and face protection systems, specifically the #7473 Deluxe Mask, the #7471 Xtreme Vision™ 280 Mask, and the new #7469 Maxx Vision™ are certified as meeting or exceeding all safety specifications. These safety standards are in accordance with ASTM (American Society of Testing and Measures) F1776-97 Entitled, "Standard Specifications for Eye Protective Devices for Paintball Sports". The independent tests conducted by the Detroit Testing Laboratory, Inc. consisted of three phases that measured the mask's performance under high-velocity impact, room temperature lens retention at high temperature lens retention. BRASS EAGLE® is the first full-line paintball manufacturing company to have its entire line of protective eye wear certified as meeting all the ASTM safety standards.

All Brass Eagle® face protection is Canadian made by Leader Sports!

Goto to learn more

Airsoft Guns and Accessories

H.T.G.S offers an extensive line of airsoft guns and accessories. Brands include but not limited to Tokyo Marui, Western Arms and KSC.
