The newest installment in the world-renowned Final Fantasy series, FF9 is everything everyone had hoped for. While in my opinion, not as good as the previous two, it is still very good. The graphics are beautiful, on par with Chrono Cross, along with beautiful FMVs. The character animations are all very nice as well. The sound is okay, the music fits the different moods of the game well, but is not very enjoyable throughout. The storyline is very good, and not linear. It doesnt match the previous two's emphasis on story, though. I haven't been praising FF9 gloriously, as you've noticed, but here's the part where one truly can. Gameplay; this is where FF9 really shines. It is, simply, one of the most fun RPGs to play. Tons of items and sidequests, minigames, and a relatively long gameplay time. The Chocobo sidequest alone will take up about 12 hours if you decide to do it. The battle system is still the same, but seems to never get old in FF9, as opposed to FF8. All in all, it is most definitely worthy of the hallowed name of Final Fantasy.
Princess Garnet
stands in front of.... some castle.
The defenders of Kuja, the white dragons.
and Bahamut fight it out.
Zidane, the boring tail thing...
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