1 and 2 - In the room with the octopus air probes and a cyborg drone, near some explosive barrels.
3 and 4 - In the same room, under the octopus probes.
5 through 7 - One room before the room with walls that stick out. One is on top of the entrance door,
one is on a platform, and one is in the far corner.
8 and 9 - In the room with sliding walls. Hover across to get to them.
10 through 12 - In the room with moving platforms after the sliding wall room. Hover to the left side of the room from
the entrance.
13 through 15 - In the room after the moving platform room. You need to use the jetpack.
Perimeter - 8 Tribals
1 and 2 - In the crawlspace in the left of the room after the sniper room, whereyou ambush the ants with giant machine guns.
3 through 6 - Go back through the crawlspace and go throughout the level (it's only one room) until you get 3 Tribals. Some are
ontop of the walls sticking ot of the main walls. Use the jetpack when neccessary.
7 and 8 - In the Big Bug Fun Club next to the bartender.