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Update History For This Site

Why are you here? Are you bored? Why would youu want to see the history of this site?

3/1/00 - Created Site. Screen Shot page is up. Character Page is also up.
3/2/00 - Weapons page and guestbook are up. Links page is also up. Codes went up too.
3/3/00 - JFG Art page is up. Story page is up.
3/5/00 - I created a boss guide and a tribal guide. I also created a polls page.
3/6/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for S.S. Anubis. I also updated the codes & hints page.
3/7/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for Tawfret.
3/8/00 - I created Tribal Guides for Sekhmet and Cerulean. I created this page and created a new link system putting my pages into directories - info, multimedia, and misc.
3/9/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for Ichor.
3/10/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for Spawn Ship. I also updated the polls.
3/11/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for Rith Essa.
3/12/00 - I created Tribal Guides for Eschebone and Mizar's Palace.
3/13/00 - I created the Tribal Guide for Walkway.
3/14/00 - I created Tribal Guides for Gem Quarry, Space Station, and Water Ruin. I also made a club.

back to misc.
