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~ Sorcerer Spell Circle ~

  • 701 Blood Burst
    When cast upon a healthy target (which has failed its spirit warding), this will result in bleeding of at least 1/round, if the target does in fact bleed. Each successive casting will increase the bleeding by at least 1/round.
    Note: Due to the nature of some creatures, such as undead and golems, they may be immune to this spell as they do not bleed.

  • 702 Mana Disruption
    Causes the target to suffer bone and tissue damage as if it had fallen a long distance. If the target fails its spirit warding by (1-5), it takes a Rank 1 impact injury; (6-10) = Rank 3; (11-20) = Rank 5; (21-30) = Rank 7; (31-up) = Rank 9. There may be additional internal damage done (health points), which will be relative to the severity of the injury.
    Note: A few of us have determined that both "openhand" casting as well as stance has a greater degree of impact damage. In other words... if you have nothing in your right hand and are in stance offensive, the impact damage for the warding would be maximum. I have yet to find anything in writing on this, so would apreciate it if you do. My email is noted at the end of this page.

  • 703 Forget
    Duration: 15 seconds
    The target will forget whatever spell it is presently preparing or has prepared (prior to casting) and will not be able to cast again for the duration of the spell. If the target does not have a spell warmed (or warming) when the forget spell is cast, then the target will be incapable of casting for the duration of this spell.
    Note: This spell is extremely hard to resist.

  • 704 Phase
    This will momentarily cause an object to 'fade' from existence, allowing the sorcerer to pass through it briefly. This allows the caster to pass through most forms of doors, reach into closed containers and perhaps remove the contents, and in some cases will allow passage through magical portals.
    Note: Due to the extremely short duration of this spell, only the caster will be able to manipulate the phased objects. There may be some future uses for Phase that have not yet been discovered. A word of caution, I have seen a dark elven hand in an empty box before! And, I am also of the mind that phasing a hard to pop box does indeed loosen the lock.

  • 705 Disintegrate
    When the target fails its warding this spell can remove portions of the target's body causing significant critical and concussion damage. In the case of non corporeal targets the spell will only cause concussion damage.

  • 706 Mind Jolt
    Duration: 1 sec/1 failure
    Causes the target's brain to be jolted by a minor electrical shock whose phase is in opposition to the synaptic network communication causing the target to be stunned.

  • 707 Eye Spy
    Duration: 30 sec/level
    Maximum duration: 10 minutes
    One of the caster's eyes grows tiny bat like wings and is able to fly away from the caster. The caster has complete control over the eye and will be able to see through it. The eye is controlled similarly to the familiar (wizard base, level 20) spell via the Tell command. If the eye is not in the same room with the caster when the spell's duration expires, the caster will lose the eye and take from 3 to 30 points of damage. The flying eye is, in reality, an illusion, and therefore cannot be attacked, webbed, affected by cloud spells, etc. Its movements, though, are restricted to what it can see. It cannot go through closed doors, or other areas where vision is limited.

    Example of flying eye commands
    • tell eye go (direction)
    • tell eye look
    • tell eye return
    Note: If your eye isn't back in your head before the spell ends, you will lose the eye and take on the resulting injury and any damage. Also, if you'll check out your Wiz FE notes you will find out how to setup directional macros on the number keypad, for your flying eye... only way to fly those eyes, in my opinion.

  • 708 Limb Disruption
    A most painful spell. Depending on the warding failure this can cause one of the target's limbs to break or even explode and make the target fall to the ground. If the caster has enough skill at aiming spells they can even focus the spell at and hit a specific limb on their target.
    Note: There is a CS pushdown affect on sorcerer's not fully trained in spell aim, as of 02/27/00... even if you do not target a specific body part. Fully trained would be to double train in spell aim each training, although word has it that it's more like 1.5 spell aim per level to not experience the CS pushdown.

  • 709 Quake
    A minor quake is caused in the caster's location, and all adjacent rooms. Everyone in the area of effect must make a moderate saving roll to remain standing. The effect is actually an illusion, the disruption is not in the ground but in the minds of everyone in the area of effect. As such, no structural damage will result and the caster's group is completely immune to the effect.
    NOTE: Attacking a fallen opponent lowers their AS and DS by 50. This is an easy way to get a big advantage over an opponent. This spell is more likely to cause victims to fall down than the wizard base Tremors spell.

  • 710 Energy Maelstrom
    Duration: variable
    Energy Maelstrom can be used in either its focused or non focused versions. If the caster has sufficient skill at aiming spells they will be able to focus a powerful energy maelstrom around a single target and selectively do damage to that one target. If the caster uses the unfocused version then the caster summons dark energy to swirl around him or her, creating a storm which will blast through everyone and everything in the room. A most potent spell which can be very dangerous to targets and especially to bystanders who are not joined to the caster when the unfocused version is used.

  • 711 Pain Infliction
    Target loses up to 25% of its remaining health points (i.e., those not already taken). This spell is cumulative.

  • 712
    ***Unassigned spell slot***

  • 713 Nightmare
    Duration: 1 sec/1 failure, Maximum 90 seconds.
    Each person and creature has its own specific worst nightmare, which the sorcerer is able to summon with this spell. For most players, it will be a certain creature which will suddenly shimmer into view and begin to battle them. Just as one cannot battle their nightmares, the target will be unable to battle this creature. It will seem to them as if every second they are about to die in some hideous manner.
    Note: The spell may not begin until a few seconds after it has been cast in order for the illusion to develop. The unfortunate player or creature affected by this spell will often be stunned, fall to the ground, scream in fright, beg for mercy, and sometimes take on damage that can result in death!

  • 714 Will Enhancement
    ***This spell is not yet implemented***
    Duration: variable
    This spell will enhance the will power of the target. When self cast this spell uses the self discipline of the caster to strengthen their resolve against certain mental and spiritual attacks and effects, or when used offensively it will increase the caster's abilities with certain spells and effects. When cast at another the charisma of the caster is used to boost the resolve of the target based upon the target's self discipline. Though only about half as effective when being cast at another, Will Enhancement can still be a life saver in certain situations. As time passes this effect will slowly wear out. If the spell was not self cast; then the distance from the caster can also have a negative impact upon the spell's strength and duration. As this effect is used either offensively or defensively it will weaken based upon how powerful the effected magics are.
    Note: This is a very personal spell and its duration and usefulness will vary with each user.

  • 715 Curse
    Duration: variable
    Curses tend to be specific to the caster, as well as stance related. Sorcerers will have curses which can modify AS, DS, casting ability, spell warding ability, etc, of their victim. The form of curse the caster has will never change. Items may also be cursed. A cursed item, once picked up, will remain in the victim's hands until the curse is removed or neutralized.
    Note: This spell may be neutralized by the clerical spell 'Remove Curse'. As well, when this spell is cast upon items, it will curse them. Sorcerers may not curse holy items.

  • 716 Disease
    Duration: variable
    This spell inflicts an extremely debilitating disease on the target based on how badly the spirit warding has failed. The disease will cause 1 point of damage for every 3 levels of the caster, plus 1 point for every 5 points the spirit warding was failed each round. The disease has a dissipation rate of 1.

  • 717 Evil Eye
    They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Certainly the target of this spell will believe this to be the case, as the Sorcerer summons the power to instill fear to the very root of the target's being. Sometimes the target will run from the room, or freeze, unable to move because of fright. Other times, if the target is a player, s/he may not stop running from the caster until they reach the safety of town.
    Note: This spell has an interesting side ability - when coupled with the floating eye spell, the caster will be able to target creatures and players in the room with him or her, or in the room with the sorcerer's floating eye (although the power of the spell diminishes when cast remotely).

  • 718 Torment
    Duration: variable
    This spell will last for as long as the caster is able to concentrate on it. Each round that it is maintained, the target must make a Spirit warding. If the target fails the spirit warding, it takes damage in relation to how much it failed by. However, if it successfully makes its spirit warding, the caster must then make an spirit warding roll, or suffer up to 25% of his/her total health points in damage, but may still be able to maintain the spell. Examples of things which might break the caster's concentration could be: movement, being attacked, being stunned by the recoil of this spell, etc. Sometimes when the caster loses control of the force active in this spell, it will remain sensing that either the caster or the target is near death and hoping one last attack on one or both will finish them off, much to its delight, whatever 'it' is.
    Note: Often times this spell will not end until either the caster or the target is dead. You do not have to remain in the room with your victim for the spell to play out.

  • 719 Dark Catalyst
    Targets of this spell will have their magical energy, be it elemental or spiritual, ripped from them and converted into raw force which will damage them in the form of heat, cold, and/or electricity. The amount of damage taken is dependent on the target's current amount of magical power and the failure of their spirit warding. Targets with little or no magical energy will not be significantly affected by this spell.
    Note: Part of the magical energy drained from the target is transferred directly to the sorcerer - the amount the sorcerer receives is dependent on the amount taken, as well as their mana sharing skill.

  • 720 Implosion
    This spell will destroy all of the air around the target(s) in a specific area, subjecting them to 'vacuum' injuries. As the air rushes back into the area (a moment later), the target(s) will not only be subjected to the force of the returning air, but it is likely that surrounding objects will fly at them, potentially striking them and doing added damage. This spell can be truly devastating. There are two versions of this spell, focused (single target) and unfocused. While both can be useful the unfocused version can harm innocent bystanders in surrounding rooms, so skill and training are useful if one wishes to live in harmony with other adventurers.
    Note: Please use this spell wisely! There is a proper way to go about using this devasting spell. Do not cast it unfocused when any adventurers are present that are not in your group. Cast elemental dispell (spell #417) at a room effected void, immediately following casting the implosion, to seal the void!

  • 725 Ensorcell
    ***This spell is not yet implemented***
    By using this spell a Sorcerer can add magical enhancements (TD) to armor.

  • 730 Animate Dead
    ***This spell is not yet implemented***
    Those who can use this spell will have the ability to animate the dead and make them do their bidding for a time based upon the skill of the caster vs the target and how difficult the caster's commands are to follow.
    Note: The target (if a player) will be able to prevent or break this spell by closing their group. While a player or creature is animated their decay timer is paused.

  • 750 Demonic Summoning
    ***This spell is not yet implemented***
    This spell will allow the caster to summon specific, unique demons to (hopefully) do the caster's bidding. Woe to the caster who loses control of this type of demon. The immediate effects would most likely include something extremely unpleasant.