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Lost Legends

The Lost Legends

With as many Zelda games there are, there is bound to be duds, or games that don't quite make the cut. The following list is a list of games that never saw the light of day, at least (in some cases) under the original names that they were given.

The Legend of Zelda: DD (orignally cancelled, later released as Master Quest on the Gamecube in 2003)- Nintendo 64 DD
This was an attachment to the Nintendo 64 and was only released in Japan. It was supposed to release in the USA, however, the Gamecube launched and Nintendo scrapped the idea.

The Legend of Zelda: Tetra's Tracker (cancelled)- Nintendo Gamecube
This game never saw the light of day, however the idea of it was reflected in Four Swords Adventures. Here is a screen that I could muster up.

The Legend of Zelda: (spaceworld 2000) Wind Waker was supposed to look like this game but then was changed to cel-shading and this game was forgotten about. To find a pic of this game go to the Wind Waker secrets page.- Nintendo Gamecube


When the trilogy of Game Boy Color games was first announced, the titles were Mystical Seed of Courage, Mystical Seed of Wisdom, and Mystical Seed of Power. The latter two games were eventually released as Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. But what happened to Mystical Seed of Courage?
That game was slated to feature the time-traveling mechanic that ended up being Oracle of Ages, except the time travel seemed to be restricted to times of the day, with certain events happening only in the morning or night. (The original Mystical Seed of Wisdom game had a theme based on colors, which ended up being scrapped entirely.) No one knows how far along the third game was before Capcom pulled the plug; the game has never been shown to the public, and except for its logo, no images of it are known to exist."
It was said later that the reason of this third game being scrapped was because of the fact that making a third game within the code system was too difficult for its time. Rumors float around the internet that after they were renaamed, Mystical Seed of Courage was renamed to Oracle of Secrets.

The Legends We Never Got

Of course there are some Zelda games that were launched only in Japan. They launched for a system entitled the Satellaview. The Satellaview is a system that attached to the bottom of the Super Famicon (Super Nintendo in Japan). This was used to launch "episodes" of games during a broadcast using satellites. It was only playable when Nintendo was doing the broadcast. However, during this time, Nintendo not only launched A Link to the Past on it (known as Triforce of the Gods in Japan), but they also released a remake of The Legend of Zelda, known as BS Zelda. BS= Broadcast Satellite. Here is a screenshot of BS Zelda.

The other Zelda game that they launched was Ancient Stone Tablets. An all new game, sequel to A Link to the Past.

Another game series that we haven't gotten is the Tingle series on the DS. Here is a screenshot of the games that have released so far.

And finally the one spin-off game that we actually did get was Link's Crossbow Training that released on Wii in 2007.

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