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The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages: Secrets

Lost Legends and Spinoffs

The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages- 2001 GBC
Using the legendary power of the Triforce, Link travels to a distant land known as Labrynna where Veran, the Sorceress of Shadows, has developed a scheme to alter Labrynna's past. Through trickery and deceit, Veran harnesses the power of Nayru, the Oracle of Ages, and travels 400 years into the past. Before the Sorceress of Shadows can complete her dark mission, Link must use the Harp of Ages to save the day.

Wooden Sword - This sword comes equipped at the beginning of the game. It causes 2x damage.
Noble Sword - This sword is obtained through the extensive trading sequence you must complete. Check out our trading guide. It causes 3x damage and can shoot an energy beam.
Master Sword - This can be obtained through a trading event or return-linking. It causes 4x damage and can shoot an energy beam.
Biggoron's Sword - This sword is obtained through return-linking. It causes 5x damage, but it requires two hands to use, so you cannot equip any other items.

Wooden Shield - Found in various shops for a price of 30 rupees, this normal shield blocks some attacks.
Iron Shield - Found at Crescent Island in the past, it deflects more attacks than the Wooden Shield.
Mirror Shield - Also found at Crescent Island in the past, this is the best of all the shields that stops many enemy attacks.

Dimitri's Flute - Get this from Dimitri if you bought the Strange Flute from the shop. It calls him when it is played.
Moosh's Flute - Get this from Moosh if you did not buy the Strange Flute from the shop. It calls him when played.
Rickey's Flute - Get this from Rickey if you did not buy or win the Strange Flute. It calls him when played.
Strange Flute - Sold at the Lynna City Shop, this flute will help you determine which animal you will become companions with in time.

Special Items
Bombs - Found in Ambi's Palace, they destroy cracked walls and blocks, and can attack most enemies.
Boomerang - Beat the Target Carts game. This can be used to stun enemies, flip switches, and grab items.
Cane of Somaria - Found in the Crown Dungeon, this creates a large, movable block in front of you.
Long Hook - Found in Jabu-Jabu's Belly, this is a quicker and longer version of the Switch Hook.
Power Bracelet - Found in the Snake's Remains Dungeon, this allows you to pick up heavy objects such as rocks, signs, and jars.
Power Gloves - Found in the Ancient Tomb, this allows you to pick up big statues.
Roc's Feather - Found in the Wing Dungeon, this allows you to jump one space; use the Pegasus Seeds to jump farther.
Seed Satchel - Found at the fully grown Maple Tree, this carries 20 of each seed type.
Seed Shooter - Found in Moonlit Grotto, this shoots seeds in any direction and they bounces off obstacles.
Shovel - Get this inside the Black Tower and you can dig up ground revealing hidden items. This also be used to remove snow.
Switch Hook - Found in the Skull Dungeon, this switches the positions of the player and the target.

Ember Seeds - Get this from the Mysterious Tree in Lynna. The burn down signs and bushes, and they light torches.
Gale Seeds - Get this from the Mysterious Tree in Lynna. Transports you to a Mysterious Tree and blows up enemies when thrown or shot at them.
Mystery Seeds - Get this from the Mysterious Tree in Lynna. Brings objects to life, such as Owl Stones. They also have a random effect when shot or thrown at enemies.
Pegasus Seeds - Get this from the Mysterious Tree in Lynna. Gives you a temporary special boost. This will allow you to run faster, jump farther, or stun enemies.
Scent Seeds - Get this by planting the Scent Seedling on Crescent Island. Some monsters are attracted to its scent.

Ages Items
Harp of Ages - Found in Nayru's House, this allows you to travel through time.
Tune of Echoes - Coming with the Harp of Ages, this gives vitality to a dormant time portal.
Tune of Currents - Get this from Tokkey. This allows you to warp from the past to the present.
Tune of Ages - Get this from Nayru after rescuing her. This allows you to travel through time without a time portal.

Misc. Items
Bomb Flower - Beat the Great Moblin. This is needed to rescue the Goron Elder.
Book of Seals - Found in the present in the Library, this is needed to get the Fairy Powder at the Library in the past.
Brother of Emblem (Symbol of Brotherhood) - Found at the Goron Dance Hall, only when playing the Oracle of Ages first, this allows you to pass the guard in front of the Goron Dance Hall.
Cheval Rope - Found in Cheval's Grave, this is needed to make a raft.
Cracked Tuni Nut - Found at the community center in Symmetry Village, this must be repaired to get the Tuni Nut.
Crown Key - After rescuing the Goron Elder, this allows you to enter the Crown Dungeon.
Fairy Powder - Found in the Library in the past, this breaks the curse on the fairy queen.
Gasha Seed - Found in various locations (see guide), plant these in patches of soft soil (see guide) to grow trees containing valuable items.
Goron Vase - Give the Rock Brisket to the Goron at the Goron Dance Hall in the present. This is used at the Goron Dance Hall in the past.
Goronade - Give the Goron Vase at the Goron Dance Hall in the past. This opens a bomb-dodging mini-game.
Graveyard Key - Found in the room behind the tomb at the Yoll Graveyard, this allows you to enter the Spirit's Cave.
Huge Maku Seed - Get this from the Maku Tree after collecting the 8 Essences of Nature, and this will break the spell that blocks the final dungeon.
Island Chart - Get this from Tingle, which is necessary for sailing on a raft.
Lava Juice - Found at the Shooting Gallery in the past, this is necessary to get the Letter of Introduction.
Letter of Introduction - You can get this once you collect the Old Mermaid Key and the Lava Juice. This is needed to get the Mermaid Key.
Library Key - Once you rescue King Zora in the present, this unlocks the Library.
Magic Potion - Sold at Syrup's Shop, also through Maple's event, it will refill your heart containers.
Magic Ring - Found at various locations, these unidentifiable rings are found and won; must be identified by Vasu before they can be used.
Mermaid Key - Give the Letter of Introduction to the Goron and beat the Goron Dancing mini-game. This opens the Mermaid Cave.
Mermaid Suit - Found in the Mermaid's Cave, this gives you the ability to swim in deeper areas of the sea.
Old Mermaid Key - Win the Bomb-Dodging mini-game (Goronade required). This is needed to enter the Mermaid's Cave in the present.
Rickey's Gloves - Found at the East Shore, you will get Rickey's missing boxing gloves. By giving them to him, he will help you out.
Rock Brisket - Complete the Target Carts mini-game. This is needed at the Goron Dance Hall in the present.
Scent Seedling - Once you complete the Tokay event, plant them to get the Scent Seeds.

Slate - Found in the Ancient Tomb, collect all four to solve a puzzle.
Tokay Eyeball - Exchange the Zora Scale with the Captain. This is needed to enter Veran's Castle.
Tuni Nut - Once you get the Cracked Tuni Nut fixed, you can restore the balance to Symmetry Village.

Zora Scale - Beat Jabu-Jabu's Belly and you can enter the Sea of Storms.
Zora Flippers - Found in Cheval's Grave, you get these and they allow you to swim in deep water. Swim faster by tapping A and dive by hitting B.

1. Past- In front of the Black Tower Use a Shovel to dig the dirt out of the way.
2. Past- Maku Path Push the blocks out of the way and retrieve the HP.
3. Present- Yoll Graveyard Lift a rock with the Power Bracelet and grab the HP.
4. Past- Deku Forest Burn the little tree to reveal a hidden passage to a HP.
5. Past- Talus Peaks Inside of a cave you will find a HP. You will need the Power Bracelet and Roc's Feather.
6. Present- Talus Peaks Use the Tune of Currents in the Past to reach an inaccessible HP in the Present.
7. Present- Lynna City Shop Use the Tune of Currents in the Past to gain access to the Shop in the Present. Purchase the Heart Container for 500 rupees.
8. Present- Goron Cave In the last section in the Goron Cave, you will find a lone Goron. If you carefully look at the wall you will see that one side looks somewhat different from the others. Bomb the section to gain another Heart Piece.
9. Present- Rolling Ridges In the very top-right corner of Rolling Ridges you will find a Heart Piece, being blocked. Head to that exact same spot in the Past and use the Tune of Currents to get the Heart Piece.
10. Present- Crescent Island Once you have the Mermaid Suit head to Crescent Island, and dive underwater. You will find a mini-maze that will lead you to another Heart Container.
11. Past/Present- Maple On rare occasions, when you bump into Maple she may drop a Heart Piece.
12. Past/Present- Gasha Tree Like Maple, on rare occasions you will find that a Gasha Tree may give you a Heart Piece.

Trading Sequence
Poe Clock Get this from the Poe in the Graveyard.
Stationery-Past Give the Poe Clock to the Postman to get the Staionery.
Stink Bag- Past Go to the Toilet shack and give the disembodied hand the Stationery to get the Stink Bag.
Tasty Meat-Present Go to Crescent Island. On the east shore is a teepee with a chef inside. Give him the Stink Bag and he'll trade you some Tasty Meat.
Doggie' Mask-Present Go to the house with the Mask Salesman, just west of the drawbridge up to the Nuun Highlands. For the
Dumbbell-Present Give the Doggie's Mask to Mamamu Yan, who lives near the Black Tower near the south of Lynna City. She'll give you the Dumbbell in return.
Cheesy Moustache-Past In the basement of Middle House in Symmetry city, you'll find a thin man wobbling back and forth. Give him the Dumbbell, equalizing his weight. He'll give you a Cheesy Mustache in gratitude.
Funny Joke-Present Go to the east bank of the center stream in Lyanna City. Give the Cheesy Moustache to the right of the two lads standing there. He'll give you a Funny Joke to tell.
Touching Book-Past Warp to the past and go find the depressed guy hanging out alone in his house--he's just to the left of the Target Range. Tell him the Funny Joke and he'll give you the Touching Book.
Magic Oar-Present After you get the Touching Book, the next time you run into Maple, she will give you the Magic Oar.
Sea Ukelele-Past Go to Rafton's raft shop on the east shore of Lyanna Village. Give him the Magic Oar to get the Sea Ukelele.
Broken Sword-Past Go to where your starting point would be in the Present. Notice the holes in the ground? Use the Switch Hook and the tilted blocks to get across. Move down the coast until you find a small shack. The Zora inside will give you a Broken Sword for your Ukelele.
Fix the Sword To get the Broken Sword made whole again, go back to Restoration Wall and talk to Patch. He'll have you participate in another fixing ritual (like the one you did to get the Tuni Nut fixed). Once you successful complete the slightly harder ceremony, your Sword will be fixed... into a Noble Sword.

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