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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: Secrets

Lost Legends and Spinoffs

The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess- 2006 GCN, Wii
When an evil darkness enshrouds the land of Hyrule, a young farm boy named Link must awaken the hero — and the animal — within. When Link travels to the Twilight Realm, he transforms into a wolf and must scour the land with the help of a mysterious girl named Midna. Besides his trusty sword and shield, Link will use his bow and arrows by aiming with the Wii Remote controller, fight while on horseback and use a wealth of other items, both new and old.

This is a list of Twilight Princess Secrets. This list is for the Wii version. To apply this guide to the Gamecube version, simply treat west as east and vice-versa, and left as right, and vice-versa.

Wooden Sword- You receive this from Rusl in the beginning of the game. You loose it just as fast.

Ordon Sword- You steal this from Rusl when you are in your dog form for the first time. You also end up stealing your Ordon Shield the same time.
Master Sword- Located in the Sacred Grove.
Sword of Light- Twilight Palace
Wooden Shield- Buy this anywhere that basically sells shields.
Hylian Shield- Buy this from Malo’s Mart in Kakariko Village.
Lantern- Coro the Oil Saleman sells this to you the first time you talk to him.
Gale Boomerang- Forest Temple
Hero’s Bow- Goron Mines
Clawshot- Lakebed Temple
Spinner- Arbiter’s Grounds
Ball n’ Chain- Snowpeak Ruins
Dominion Rod- Temple of Time
2nd Clawshot- City in the Sky
Iron Boots- Mayor Bo
Hawkeye- In Kakariko Village you need to play the Archery Game for the Piece of Heart. Whether or not you succeed, the Hawkeye becomes available to buy after the first attempt in Malo’s Mart.
Bombs- You can buy the bombs in Kakariko Village after the events of The Goron Mines. You can also get the Bomblings and Water Bombs here as well, but you need the other Bomb bags.
Fishing Rod- You get this when you receive the baby’s cradle from the monkey in Ordon Village.
Slingshot- Found in the shop in Ordon Village.
You get your first bottle from Sera. Go to her shop after you catch a fish for her cat.
You get your second bottle from Coro.
The third bottle is in Hena’s fishing hole. Fish near the bridge and face the wall.
The fourth bottle is from Jovani for catching 20 Poes.
Bomb Bags-
The second Bomb Bag you receive for helping Iza unblock her river from rocks.
The third Bomb Bag is located underwater in Zora’s throne room. Use Water Bombs on the huge boulder and a Goron will receive your bomb bag.
Go to Iza’s River again and play her game. Score 25 points or more and upgrade every Bomb Bag you have.
The wallet upgrades are located in Agitha in the Castle Town. Bring her one bug and receive the upgrade. Bring her all the bugs, she’ll give you the last upgrade.
Both quiver upgrades are located in the same spot. You need to succeed in the STAR minigame in Castle Town using the Clawshot. Do it again with the Double Clawshot and receive the last upgrade.
Magic Armor- After Malo’s Mart has a Castle Town expansion. He sells it her for 598 rupees.
Zora’s Armor- You receive this from the grave of the King Zora in the kakariko Graveyard.
Coral Earring- You will receive a letter to give to the Prince of the Zora’s. He gives you this when you give him the letter.
Horse Call- Ilia gives this to you when she regains her memory.

Heart Piece #1
Location: Northern Faron Woods, bog area.
Equipment Requirements: Lantern
Details: There is a cave located in the North-West section of the bog area with the purple mist. Inside, light two torches to make a chest containing the heart piece appear
Heart Piece #2
Location: Forest Temple
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: In the tall room with the flower like creatures that try to eat you, one flower creature on the bottom floor guards a cove. Throw a bombling in its mouth from above to clear the way, allowing you to get the chest with the heart piece
Heart Piece #3
Location: Forest Temple
Equipment Requirements: Gale Boomerang
Details: In the room where you first encounter the centipede like enemies that hide under the floor tiles, there are four torches. Extinguish the four torches to reveal a chest containing the heart piece.
Heart Piece #4
Location: Southern Hyrule Field
Equipment Requirements: Gale Boomerang
Details: In southern Hyrule Field there is a wooden bridge spanning a small watered area. South of the south end of the bridge there is a grove of trees. The heart piece is on the brance of the center tree. Use your boomerang to snag the piece.
Heart Piece #5
Location: South-West Hyrule Field (Kakariko Gorge)
Equipment Requirements: Gale Boomerang
Details: In Kakariko Gorge there is a tall rock formation to the Northeast with a heart piece on it. Use your boomerang from the nearest cliffside to aquire it.
Heart Piece #6
Location: Ordon Village
Equipment Requirements: Epona (Post-Goron Mines)
Details: Once you aquire epona again after the fire temple, return to the ranch in ordon village and complet the herding mini-game to be awarded a heart piece.
Heart Piece #7
Location: Goron Mines
Equipment Requirements: Iron Boots
Details: After meeting one of the goron elder's you are required to walk on the ceiling of the room with the chain pulling puzzle. Take the path farthest to the right (Yours not Links) to find a chest containing a heart piece.
Heart Piece #8
Location: Goron Mines
Equipment Requirements: Iron Boots
Details: There is a room with magnetic beams on the second floor that has a chest containing a heart piece. Equipt the Iron Boots and navigate the beams to reach it.
Heart Piece #9
Location: Kakariko Village (Post-Goron Mines)
Equipment Requirements: Hero's Bow
Details: Use the Gorons and ladders to scale the Northern watchtower. Once there speak with the young boy to participate in a target practice mini-game. Upon completion you will receive a heart piece.
Heart Piece #10
Location: Kakariko Village
Equipment Requirements: Iron Boots
Details: Bomb the southern cave entrance next to the light spirit spring to access a pond at the rear of the spring. Sink to the bottom with your boots and open the chest to claim your heart piece.
Heart Piece #11
Location: Kakariko Village
Equipment Requirements: Bomb Arrow Combo/Gale Boomerang
Details: High on the cliff directly above a bomb-able wall in southern Kakariko, right next to the light spirit spring, there is a group of bomb-able rocks. Shoot them with the Bomb Arrow Combo then retrieve the heart piece with your boomerang.
Heart Piece #12
Location: West Hyrule Field
Equipment Requirements: Bombs/Clawshot
Details: Just before reaching the main feild area when coming from Kakariko Village's north exit, you should see a large bombable rock to your right. Destroy it then follow the path to reach an area where you can drop down to reach a chest containing the heart piece.
Heart Piece #13
Location: Lakebed Temple
Equipment Requirements: Clawshot
Details: In the central room with the spinning staircase, clawshot up to the light in the center to the room for a chest with a heart piece.
Heart Piece #14
Location: Lakebed Temple
Equipment Requirements: Clawshot
Details: Once you have both water sources flowing, direct the water from the eastern side of the temple to flow to the lower western sid of the temple using the spinning staircase in the central room. This will cause a bridge to raise in the weastern side, allowing you to reach an alcove with the chest containing the heart piece.
Heart Piece #15
Location: Lake Hylia (Spirit Spring)
Equipment Requirements: Clawshot
Details: Use your clawshot to reach the upper portion of the spirit spring and proceed to the rear. Light the torches to get the chest with the heart piece to appear.
Heart Piece #16
Location: Lake Hylia (Southern Cave)
Equipment Requirements: Lots of Bombs/Lantern Oil
Details: Just south of the hidden skill stone in lake hylia (located up a cliff in the southern part) there is a bombable wall concealing a cave. Proceed through the cave to reach a chest containing a heart piece.
Heart Piece #17
Location: Eastern Hyrule Field (just Past Eldin Bridge)
Equipment Requirements: Hookshot/Bombs/Arrows/Iron Boots
Details: North of Eldin Bridge, there is a cliff you can hookshot onto. Blow up any rocks in you way and follow the path until you reach a cave. Once inside use your boots to navigate the magnetic walls in the lava cave until you reach the bottom, then claim your prize from the chest.
Heart Piece #18
Location: Gerudo Desert (Enemy Camp)
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: In the area where you are under attack from a large amount of enemies, you will eventually come across a pig roasting on a spit. Destroy it with your sword to claim a heart piece.
Heart Piece #19
Location: Fishing Hole
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: Either use your boomerang or rent a canoe, and snag it from the central rock archway in the center of the lake.
Heart Piece #20
Location: Arbiter's Grounds
Equipment Requirements: Clawshot
Details: In the room with the 4 poes, hook-shot to the platform in the northwest corner to reach the chest with the heart.
Heart Piece #21
Location: Arbiter's Grounds
Equipment Requirements: Spinner
Details: During the second half of the dungeon, you will arrive in a room full of spinner tracks (North-west room of the basement level). Navigate the tracks to reach the ledge with the chest containing the heart piece.
Heart Piece #22 Northern Hyrule Feild (North-Eastern path)
Location: Northern Hyrule Field (North-Eastern path)
Equipment Requirements: Bombs/Spinner
Details: Bomb the North-East Exit from North Hyrule Field to find a spinner track. Navigate it to reach a ledge with the heart piece chest.
Heart Piece #23
Location: Passage north of Eldin Bridge
Equipment Requirements: Spinner/Control of wolf form
Details: Just past the small wooden bridge covered in enemies, hang a left to reach a spinner track. Ride it to the small alcove and dig in the middle of the ring of grass. Once in the cave, vanquish all enemies to get the heart piece.
Heart Piece #24
Location: Death Mountain (Post-Fire Temple)
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: Head down death mountain from the goron warp area until you reach a lone goron. Take him up on his offer for a boost and launch yourself up to the cliff behind him. Head back towards the goron village until you see a small alcove you can enter. Do so and drop down for the heart piece chest.
Heart Piece #25
Location: Lake Hylia
Equipment Requirements: Wolf Form
Details: Speak to the little bird plumm (located on the little island just before the cannon ride) to learn of his mini-game. Howl into the bird-grass nearby to start the game, then score over 10,000 points to receive a heart piece. Hint: Only go for the Strawberries or Oranges. Only one or the other, not both.
Heart Piece #26
Location: Lake Hylia
Equipment Requirements: None
Details: Enter the building to the North-East in upper lake hylia, and speak to the owner to play a chicken gliding mini-game. Try to land on the highest non-spinning platform, which holds the chest containing the heart piece.
Heart Piece #27
Location: Kakariko Village (Post-Water Temple)
Equipment Requirements: None
Details: After Donating 1000 rupees to Kakariko Villages Malo Mart to fix the western hyrule castle bridge, speak to the elder goron outside the store to take part in a mini-game where you have to deliver a barrel of hot-spring water. Upon completion you recieve a heart piece. Hint: Stick to the southern cliff edge for an easier time.
Heart Piece #28
Location: Castle Town
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: Donate 1000 rupees to the old man near the eastern gate in hyrule castle town to recieve a heart piece.
Heart Piece #29
Location: Kakariko Gorge
Equipment Requirements: Bombs/Lantern
Details: There is a wall you can bomb in western Kakariko Gorge. The cave it conceals has a heart piece in it.
Heart Piece #30
Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Equipment Requirements: Ball & Chain
Details: When you reach the upper portion of the main entrance area, use the Ball & Chain to swing the chandeleirs, then jump across them to reach southern alcove that contains the chest with the heart piece.
Heart Piece #31
Location: Snowpeak Ruins
Equipment Requirements: Ball & Chain
Details: At the top of the circular pathway to the second level (the one with the ice enemies behind the bars) you will see an out of place hookshot target and some odd looking floorboards on the ground beneath it. Smash the floor with your Ball & Chain to gain access to the lower room with the heart piece.
Heart Piece #32
Location: North Hyrule Field
Equipment Requirements: Ball & Chain
Details: In the small, tektite filled alcove located on the southern branch of the rocky paths to the north, there is a bombable wall that faces west. Enter the cave it conceals and solve the simple block sliding puzzles to get your heart Piece.
Heart Piece #33
Location: Snowpeak (Post Snowpeak Ruins)
Equipment Requirements: N/A
Details: Return to the ice-sliding area and defeat both the Yeti and his Wife in a race down the mountain to earn a heart piece.
Heart Piece #34
Location: Sacred Grove
Equipment Requirements: Bombs
Details: After defeating the skull kid bomb the big rock in the center of the area you battled him in. It conceals a dig spot that leads to a cave. Deafeat all enemies within the cave to recieve your heart piece.
Heart Piece #35
Location: Temple of Time (Dungeon)
Equipment Requirements: Dominion Rod
Details: While transporting the statue back to the entrance, have it destroy all the walls and electric barriers you come across to reveal a path to the chest with the heart piece.
Heart Piece #36
Location: Temple of Time (Dungeon)
Equipment Requirements: Dominion Rod
Details: While transporting the statue back to the entrance, make a stop at southern room on the fifth floor and solve the puzzle involving the two little statues that must sit on switches at the end of narrow, gated, paths. Doing so reveals a chest with a heart Piece.
Heart Piece #37
Location: Temple of Time
Equipment Requirements: Dominion Rod
Details: Immediately after entering the door that leads to the past temple of time and walking down the steps, walk to your left and face the direction you entered from. There will be a owl statue you can move to access a chest with a heart piece.
Heart Piece #38
Location: Ordon Woods
Equipment Requirements: Dominion Rod
Details: Walk North-East pass the lantern sellers shop and bomb the rocks you see there to access an alcove with a owl statue. Walk it over to the small groove in the ground and use midna in wolf form to scale the branches up to an alcove with the heart piece.
Heart Piece #39
Location: Eldin Bridge
Equipment Requirements: Dominion Rod
Details: After teleporting the missing piece of the bridge back (It's in South-Eastern Gerudo Desert), guide the owl statue at the north end of the bridge to the hole at the south end of the bridge to form a pathway to the heart piece.
Heart Piece #40
Location: Hidden Village
Equipment Requirements: Wolf Form
Details: After clearing the Hidden Village of enemies, return and speak to the cucco leader to play a mini-game. Speak to all 20 cats around the hidden village to recieve the heart piece.
Heart Piece #41
Location: City in the Sky
Equipment Requirements: Double Clawshot
Details: In the East wing you will enter a large cylindrical area with a giant plant enemy. After defeating the plant, scale the walls until you reach a ledge the you can see an alcove to the right with some bats. Shoot the bats with your arrows, then grab onto the ledge and shimmy over to claim your heart piece.
Heart Piece #42
Location: City in the Sky
Equipment Requirements: Double Clawshot
Details: After reaching the second floor of the eastern wing of the temple, you will have to clawshot across a few flying plants to reach the main wing again. Instead of dropping once you reach the last one however, turn 90 degrees to the right and clawshot across the adjacent path of flying plants to reach an alcove with a heart piece in a chest.
Heart Piece #43
Location: Twilight Palace
Equipment Requirements: Light Sword (optional), Clawshot
Details: When you first enter the east wing of the temple you will be in a room with waterfalls made of darkness to the left and right. The farthest one to the right contains a chest with a heart piece behind it. You can either clear the darkness with the Sol Orb or come back and clear it with the Light Sword, your choice.
Heart Piece #44
Location: Twilight Palace
Equipment Requirements: Light Sword (optional)
Details: When you first enter the west wing of the temple you will be in a room with a large blanket of darkness you must ride over. In the darkness there is a chargeable orb that creates a platform to the heart piece. Either use the Sol Orb of the Light Sword, your choice.
Heart Piece #45
Location: Kakariko Gorge
Equipment Requirements: Double Clawshots
Details: There is a rock spire in the North-East section of the Gorge. Use the clawshot targets to reach a small outcropping with the heart piece.

1. Ant (Male)
Found: Graveyard
How to Collect: Check by the northwestern tree.
2. Ant (Female)
Found: Kakariko Village
How to Collect: Check inside the house on the west side of town.
3. Mantis (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: Check the pillars at the north end of the bridge above Lake Hylia. The bug tends to fly in and out of the pillars, so if you don't see it at first, wait a moment.
4. Mantis (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: Head south from the bridge above Lake Hylia. You will see a rocky overpass as you ride along. Check the southern wall near that overhang and you should see the bug. Since it is high up, you will have to use the Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to lure it closer.
5. Butterfly (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: Check the pink flowers south and east of the eastern entrance to Castle Town.
6. Butterfly (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: From the eastern entrance to Castle Town, go east to find a high ledge. Use the Clawshot to get up to that ledge, where you will find this bug.
7. Phasmid (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: At the south end of the Bridge of Eldin (it's the long bridge at the northwest portion of the field north of Kakariko Village), look on the left pillar. Use the Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to pull it closer so you can collect it.
8. Phasmid (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: Get to the north end of the Bridge of Eldin, and use the Clawshot to get onto the high cliff to the north of the bridge. Walk a little bit to the west and look up on the wall to find this bug; use the Gale Boomerang or the Clawshot to grab it.
9. Dayfly (Male)
Found: Gerudo Desert
How to Collect: In the south central area of the desert, you will find this bug flying around. If it helps, the bug is to the south of some wooden gates you can charge through with a boar.
10. Dayfly (Female)
Found: Gerudo Desert
How to Collect: In the southeast area of the desert, you will find a chest atop a pillar, as well as a statue. To the north of that are trenches in the sand. In the second trench to the north of this chest, you will find this insect.
11. Stag Beetle (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: At the north end of Hyrule Field, head east from the river that flows down from Zora's Domain. You should find a lone tree to the east with this beetle near it.
12. Stag Beetle (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: At the north end of the field, head to the northwest area from the river flowing down from Zora's Domain. There will be a path leading toward the mountains. At the path split (north will lead to Zora's Domain), go right. Look above the boulder in the wall and you will see this bug hanging there; use the Gale Boomerang or the Clawshot to retrieve it.
13. Ladybug (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: In the field area to the south of Castle Town, there is a large obstruction on the west side. Hanging on the wall is this ladybug; follow it around when it flies away and you will be able to catch it.
14. Ladybug (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Lanayru Province)
How to Collect: In the field south of Castle Town, head to the east side of the pool in the courtyard there. You will see 3 trees; this ladybug is hanging on one of them. If you approach, it will fly away, so give chase and you will soon be able to catch it.
15. Grasshopper (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: In the large field north of Kakariko Village, look for this bug in the south central area. On the map, it is just to the east of a vertical wall in that area.
16. Grasshopper (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: In the large field north of Kakariko Village, head out to the northeast portion of the field to find this insect hopping around.
17. Beetle (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Faron Province)
How to Collect: To the southeast of the bridge crossing the stream, you will see 2 trees. On the side of one of those trees is this bug.
18. Beetle (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Faron Province)
How to Collect: Along the western portion of the field is a high ledge you cannot reach. On the side of one of the trees there, you will see this bug. Use the Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to pull it closer so you can catch it.
19. Pill Bug (Male)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: In the area south of Kakariko Village, this bug is on the ground just to the south of the bridge over Kakariko Gorge. Look on the ground just to the right of the path.
20. Pill Bug (Female)
Found: Hyrule Field (Eldin Province)
How to Collect: In the area south of Kakariko Village, check the flowers to the south of the village entrance to find this bug.
21. Snail (Male)
Found: Sacred Grove
How to Collect: When you first enter the area and push the block forward, drop down to the cave below. Go left and you should see this one hanging from the high wall; use your Gale Boomerang or your Clawshot to grab it.
22. Snail (Female)
Found: Temple of Time
How to Collect: Go through the doors which lead to the Temple of Time. Inside, go down the stairs and head to the left side of the steps. You will see this snail on the wall; use the Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to obtain it. Please note that you can only access this area of the grove when you return later in the game.
23. Dragonfly (Male)
Found: Zora's Domain
How to Collect: In the area at the bottom of the waterfall, get to the west side. Follow the path up the hill and you will find this bug flying around by some boxes.
24. Dragonfly (Female)
Found: Upper Zora's River
How to Collect: This bug is flying above the water in front of the boat rental place. Stand on the edge of the water and use the Gale Boomerang or Clawshot to pull it closer so you can catch it.

Arbiter's Grounds
1. There are four Poes hiding within this desert dungeon that you must defeat in order to proceed to the end.
2. See #1.
3. See #1.
4. See #1.
Castle Town
5. Go inside Jovani's house by digging under the front or by taking the passageway from Telma's Bar. This Poe will be found inside the house; you can't miss it.
Cave of Ordeals
6. On the 17th floor (the one with the skeletal dogs), you will find a Poe floating around.
7. On the 33rd floor (the one with the ReDeads), you will find another Poe floating amongst the enemies.
8. On the 44th floor, you will find the final Poe of the cave floating among the other enemies.
City in the Sky
9. At the eastern side of the map, get to the second floor outside area where you have to Clawshot between flying plant enemies to make it past a couple of walls. Once you Clawshot to the third plant enemy in the sequence, look to the south and you will see a fourth plant enemy flying low by a tree. Clawshot to that enemy and become a wolf to fight the Poe there.
10. In the center area of the map, get to the fourth floor (it's the area with all the ropes and bird enemies, just outside the room where you get the Big Key). Make your way to the western platform as a wolf and you will find this Poe floating high above.
Death Mountain
11. From the bottom of the path, as a human, get to the second Goron. Have him boost you onto the eastern ledges high above. Turn back into a wolf and you will find the Poe here.
Faron Woods
12. In the area with the poisonous fog, use Midna to reach the middle area where there is a large platform; you will see the Poe there.
Gerudo Desert
13. Just to the south of where you enter the desert after taking Fyer's flight, you will find this Poe on a platform above the sand.
14. In the southeast area of the desert (on the platform where the Gerudo Mesa portal drops you off), this Poe will be hanging around there.
15. Outside of the entrance to Arbiter's Grounds, the Poe is floating to the east of the doorway.
16. To the east of where you found the golden wolf, you will find the Poe floating around in the dead end path.
17. In the area where you fought the axe-wielding leader, there is a Poe floating around in there.
18. In the northeast area of the desert, head to the west of all the towers and gates to find some ledges with a tree on top of one of them. Use the Clawshot to reach the tree, then go north from there as a wolf to find the Poe.
19. In the same area as where you fought the previous Poe, use your senses to find a special dig spot. Dig down into a hidden cave, where you will find two Poes to fight.
20. See #19.
21. In the middle of the graveyard, this Poe is floating around.
22. Push the north tombstone from the entrance back and this Poe will appear.
Hidden Village
23. When you enter the village, the Poe is floating atop the northeast balcony. To get onto it, go to the side of the house facing the path and use the Clawshot to reach the netting above the water pool. Walk along the balcony and become a wolf to get the Poe.
Hyrule Field
24. In the Lanayru province, go south and east of Castle Town to an old arena of sorts. The Poe is at the bottom of that area.
25. In the Eldin province, go to the field south of Kakariko Village. To the southeast of the bridge over Kakariko Gorge, there is a hill. At the top of the hill is a tree; the Poe is by that tree.
26. In the Eldin province, head to the field south of Kakariko Village. Far to the south is a cave which you can enter by bombing a boulder. Inside that cave, head to the northwest portion and there will be a path split. The right path will lead up to a room where this Poe is hiding (the left path leads to the Piece of Heart).
27. In the Faron province, just to the north of the bridge over the stream is a slight hill. This Poe is hanging around the top of that hill.
28. In the Lanayru province, go to the northern portion of Hyrule Field. Walk onto the bridge above the river that flows from Zora's Domain. The Poe is floating above the middle of the bridge.
29. In the Lanayru province, head to the field north of Castle Town. Go to the east of the bridge spanning the river, and you will find some grass. Use your senses to find a large dig spot; dig there to enter a cave below. You will have to deal with many Deku Babas in here, as well as two Poes.
30. See #29.
31. In the field connected to the south exit of Castle Town, you will find this Poe to the east of the pool.
32. In the Lanayru province, after the bridge to western Castle Town is fixed, walk on the bridge to find this Poe.
33. In the Lanayru province, get to the south of the wooden bridge (this is to the south of the bridge above Lake Hylia). If you look up to the high ledges, you will see several boulders you can destroy. Use bomb arrows to destroy the arrows, then make use of the Clawshot targets to get across to the platform where the Poe is.
Kakariko Village
34. Take the path above the Bomb Shop to reach the tower on the high cliff. In front of that tower is the Poe.
35. On the path above the Bomb Shop, check out the ruins of the house that burnt down while collecting the Tears of Light. A Poe will be floating above the rubble.
Lake Hylia
36. On the large platform at the south side of the lake (the one with the portal directly above it), you will see a hill you can go up, followed by a series of ledges you can jump to from atop that hill. Make your way to the southernmost tip of the area and you will find a Poe there.
37. At the west end of the lake, you will find this Poe floating around on the large patch of land out there.
38. On the platform with the portal above it, run up the bridge leading southward. As a human, climb up the ladders and follow the path to the tower. Then, turn back into a wolf and look near the base of the tower to find the Poe.
39. On the second lowest tier of the square platforms, you will find a Poe. Reach it by playing the Flight-by-Fowl game above the lake as a human, then fly down to the platform and revert back to a wolf to fight it.
40. Go back to the Flight-by-Fowl game above Lake Hylia, and pay to play. Pick up a cucco and jump off the platform, but quickly pull Down on the Control Stick and turn yourself around. Directly below the platform where you jumped off, you will find a grassy ledge. Land there and turn into the wolf to deal with the Poe hanging out on the ledge.
41. To the south of the Howling Stone is a boulder; bomb it and enter the rather complex cave. If you fully explore this cave, you will come across 3 Poes total.
42. See #41.
43. See #41.
Sacred Grove
44. In the area outside of the temple, go to the eastern area. Bomb the boulder in the middle of that area to uncover this Poe.
45. In the area where you find the Master Sword, there will be a Poe floating around.
46. In the forest maze where you chase Skull Kid, look for a path where you swim under a waterfall. Climb up the ledges behind it to reach a Poe.
47. On the way up the mountain cave, you will see 2 trees across from each other. Check the east one to find the Poe floating around it.
48. In the mountain cave, use the Ball and Chain to break the ice blocks, revealing a Poe.
49. Along the path going up the mountain, you will see some rock formations. This Poe hides alongside one of those rocks.
50. From the bottom of the mountain (where you enter from Zora's Domain), head across the icy lake. Follow the path up the hill until you have to start climbing up ledges. At that point, walk to the right (westward) and you will see a tree; the Poe floats around by that tree.
51. When you're outside of Snowpeak Ruins, turn into a wolf. As soon as you reach the snow, you will see a ledge to the right you can walk onto. Follow the elevated path around the bend ahead, then go up the hill to a plateau. This Poe will be floating at the top of this area.
Snowpeak Ruins
52. In the very first room, the Poe is floating in the middle area between the staircases.
53. Also in the first room, there will be a hallway with suits of armor along the sides. Destroy the second suit of armor on the west side with your Ball and Chain to reveal this Poe.
54. In the southwest room on the second floor, the entire floor will be covered in ice. Use the Ball and Chain to break the ice blocks to the west, and this Poe will appear.
Temple of Time
55. On the third floor, go to the large round room. The Poe will be on the other side of a gate to the east; use the Dominion Rod and move one of the metal pots on the high ledge behind the gate and onto the floor switch. When the gate opens, become a wolf and get the Poe.
56. On the seventh floor, go to the room with the two balances. Toss both of the metal pots to the left balance, then drop down to the lower area and head up the stairs again. Use the Dominion Rod to pull another metal pot off the top shelf, then throw it onto the right balance and onward to the left one. Since the right balance will be high enough, use the Clawshot above the middle area to reach the high middle platform. Walk to the east wall and use the Spinner to ride around the room to the western ledge. Turn into a wolf there and you will find the Poe floating around.
57. In the area before the temple itself (where the Master Sword pedestal is), go to the south room by the stairs. In the southeast corner, use the Dominion Rod to move the statue in the wall. The Poe is hiding there.
Upper Zora's River
58. On the land mass to the south, between two river forks, you will find this Poe floating at the top of the hill.
Zora's Domain
59. At the bottom of the waterfall, get to the western platform. Run all the way to the top of the hill there to find the Poe.
60. From the bottom of the waterfall, get to the eastern ledge by the entrance to Snowpeak. As a wolf, jump up the first ledge and go north. Use Midna to get across another ledge, then when you get behind the waterfall, you should see the Poe floating around.

Howling Stone #1
Location: N/A
Golden Wolf Location: Forest Temple Entrance
Song: N/A
There is no Howling Stone for the first skill -- Ending Blow. It is automatic and essential to the game. You'll talk to the Hero's Spirit right before the first temple.
Howling Stone #2
Location: Death Mountain
Golden Wolf Location: Ordon Spring
Song: Song of Healing -- Majora's Mask
The location of the second Howling Stone is on the trail up Death Mountain. While traverising the path, you'll come across it on a bunch of rocky platforms with geysers all around it. It's the first large area in the narrow path.
Howling Stone #3
Location: Upper Zora River
Golden Wolf Location: Eastern Entrance to Hyrule Castle Town
Song: Oath to Order -- Majora's Mask
The third Howling Stone is located in the upper portion of Lake Hylia, closest to Zora's Domain. It is near Iza's cabin on a small cliff overlooking the river and obtainable when the water is returned to the lake.
Howling Stone #4
Location: Lake Hylia
Golden Wolf Location: Gerudo Desert
Song: Nocturne of Shadow -- Ocarina of Time
The location of this stone is found near the tower where you first meet Auru. It is in the southernmost part of Lake Hylia nearest to the Gerudo Desert. You'll need to be able to transform in your wolf form at will, though, because it requires both forms to access it.
Howling Stone #5
Location: Sacred Grove
Golden Wolf Location: Southern Entrance to Hyrule Castle Town
Song: Prelude to Light -- Ocarina of Time
The location of the fifth howling stone is right outside of the entrance to the Sacred Grove, shortly after you jump across the gaps with the wooden logs swinging back and forth.
Howling Stone #6
Location: Snowpeak Trail
Golden Wolf Location: Kakariko Village Graveyard
This is found along the climb up Snowpeak mountain. It is near the top of the mountain right outside of the cave you enter. It's on a ledge that hangs over the mountain and is pretty hard to miss.
Howling Stone #7
Location: Hidden Village
Golden Wolf Location: Entrance to Hyrule Castle
The last Howling Stone is located behind the building to the right in the Hidden Village -- the place with Impaz and where you shoot the bandits near the Bridge of Eldin. Once you have found this stone, you'll have located them all!

Hidden Skill #1 -- Ending Blow
The first hidden skill that Link learns is the Ending Blow. To perform this technique, you press the A button after you have knocked an enemy onto the ground. Link will jump into the air and bring his blade down into the enemy's stomach, netting him an instant kill. This is very effective for beating a stronger enemy once you've knocked him back.
Hidden Skill #2 -- Shield Attack
The second hidden skill that Link learns is the Shield Attack. This essentially allows Link to knock an enemy senseless with his shield, which breaks their guard and creates an opening for Link to strike. To perform this technique, you simply flick the nunchuk part of the controller forward. It's not 100%, but it will oftentimes break the guard of enemies.
Hidden Skill #3 -- Back Slice
The third hidden skill that Link learns is the Back Slice. Perhaps the most effective -- and most used -- technique of them all. To perform the Back Slice, you jump to the side, while Z-Targeting, twice. Link will jump like he's dodging the first time and then roll behind his opponent the second. When he rolls behind the enemy, shake the Wii Remote like a typical sword slash to connect a devastating back slice. It's effective in removing attached armor or getting in front of an enemy that has his bases covered in the front.
Hidden Skill #4 -- Helm Splitter
The fourth hidden skill that Link learns is the Helm Splitter. This technique will allow Link to jump into the air and split the helmet -- or head -- of his enemy. This is a two part technique in that it uses the Shield Attack to setup for this. First, you break the guard and the senses of the enemy with the Shield Attack and, while their dazed, follow through with a Helm Splitter by pressing the A button. Very effective for removing helmets or taking enemies out from the top down.
Hidden Skill #5 -- Mortal Draw
The fifth hidden skill that Link learns is the Mortal Draw. To perform this techique you do NOT Z-Target the enemy, but get within their range. Link will then put his hand on the hilt of his *sheathed* sword, which will bring up a command on the bottom of the screen prompting you to press A. When you do, Link will quickly unsheathe his sword and deliver a take that instantly kills the enemy. It's dangerous because it puts you at risk of getting hit first, but the results are well worth the risk.
Hidden Skill #6 -- Jump Strike
The sixth hidden skill that Link learns is the Jump Strike. This attack requires that Link charge up his blade, a chime similar to that when you're able to perform a second Spin Attack will signify the charge is complete. When the attack is fully charged, Link will jump into the air, swing his sword horizontally, then vertically, and finally slam into the ground creating a huge shockwave. This attack is primarily useful for taking out multiple enemies around you, both on air and on ground.
Hidden Skill #7 -- Great Spin
The final hidden skill that Link learns is the Great Spin. The most powerful and most useful technique, it is an upgrade to the standard Spin Attack. You're only capable of performing this when you have full hearts -- a throwback to the 2D Zelda games when you had to have full health to perform a blast from your sword. When you perform the technique, Link will let loose a much more powerful, much larger form of the Spin Attack. It will often take out enemies in one hit.

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