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Grand Theft Auto 3
Players: 1
Genre: Racing Action
Developer: Take2 Interactive
Publisher: Rockstar

Grand Theft Auto has been around for a while. The first two involved gameplay playing a guy who is trying to get away from cops while also car jacking people. I kind of made that sound boring, but it's really cool. The only hitch with the game was the graphics. It was an overhead view, and the people were soooo small. Thankfully the third title in this series is in a fully realized 3-dimensional world.


Welcome Grand Theft Auto 3 in it's polygonal splendor. Adding this dimension to the series adds incredible depth to the entire franchise. The cities are just plain huge! There's a working airport, cars driving around the streets, pedestrians walking, and moving newspapers scattered about the street. Your character is detailed, but not like say, Metal Gear 2. He still has a face and his model doesn't have as many polygons, but he still looks cool running around the city, and jacking cars. There are many models of cars to steal from and they all crash in real fashion. Cars blow up, lose fenders, lose hoods, glass breaks, and flip like a stunt show. There is some draw-in problems and a few clipping issues, but nothing to complain about. Overall, the game is kind of jaggedy, but it doesn't matter! Look at the size of this place. It's all forgiven.


Everything from a bustling city can be heard in this game. It adds a lot of atmosphere when you run in front of a car and some guy starts yelling at you and honking his horn. The town is full of rumbles from the people, and you can hear people having conversation with each other. You are immersed in this world.


Jacking cars has never been as fun as it is in Grand Theft Auto 3. There are missions to do since there is a storyline to this game, but you don't even have to follow it. You can do whatever you feel like doing and even find secrets hidden about this city. So this game has infinite replay value. Once you're done with all the missions, you can just have fun and see what kind of havoc you can cause. It's pretty simple to control once you first get your hands on this game. It feels familiar and it's just damn fun to play.


So much to city to cover, so little time. Never has a game been this big, this diverse, and so much fun! I'm glad the Grand Theft Auto series moved into 3D because it deserved this kind of treatment from the very beginning. Get this game eventhough Vice City is out. This is the game that started out small and is creating the biggest buzz I've ever known.


Graphics: 9.2

Sound: 9.4

Gameplay: 9.9

Satisfaction: 10

Overall: 9.7